Denied Restock helis on bugged stingers

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Oct 17, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Clarifies rules on when helis should be restocked when bugs are involved, in this specific case one shot stingers

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Heli stock timers are very long and losing a heli because one singular stinger hit you and knocked your top rotor to a halt is not fun and is very tilting, especially when silent stingers occur.
Makes it so staff as a whole know if this should be a restock or not

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Some people will be upset that helis are harder to kill and "oh it's always been like that" doesn't mean it needs to stay like that

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
In this clip we can see Hydro explain that one shot stingers that stop your top rotor are a bug

He goes into further detail about why it is a bug and that it's a problem that should have been looked into ages ago but it never really came up as a priority. Until this bug is fixed I believe that helis that die in an unfair manner/in a way out of the pilots control should be restockable as helis are very precious, there are not many and the stock timers are very long. Doing this will make things clearer for rules and fairer for pilots (especially new ones).
I know everyone not in heli regiments (and possibly two specific really good pilots) will not be happy to hear this and say shit like "skill issue" but do consider the perspective of the pilots, especially new ones, as well please thank you.
Alright cool quirky edit here: After the very useful "feedback" I think a good compromise can be made. Buff stingers but allow restock for glitched stingers. That way if you are unable to stinger a heli more than once that is YOUR skill issue for not being able to literally hold right click for like 3-4 seconds. Stingers get an overall buff and we don't get punished for bugs that are out of our control.
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Nov 18, 2021

I would say this shouldn't be a thing but stingers even in realistic terms don't even allow the pilots to dodge the stingers as in the game some UAF or SWB pilot is just gonna take his mouse and spin around to dodge it **Might have changed depending on reducing lag update**

Anyways stingers are quite unreliable as you leave yourself in the open risking everything to shoot out 2 or 3 stingers that probably won't even hit the heli and most people don't know how to stinger properly as well about the dodging part that one or two flairs don't stop a stinger ? and one stinger is almost enough to take down a heli or damage it severely that it has to RTB in the game you shoot one stinger it hits a heli and it flies off thinking that nothing happened like someone threw a fucking rock at the heli.

Have to mention how strong helis are and how life changing it is to take one heli down that can kill tanks like butter or just bomb a point out of existence and change the outcome of the war as if one side doesn't have CAS the other side dominates the war with their CAS.


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I would say this shouldn't be a thing but stingers even in realistic terms don't even allow the pilots to dodge the stingers as in the game some UAF or SWB pilot is just gonna take his mouse and spin around to dodge it **Might have changed depending on reducing lag update**

Anyways stingers are quite unreliable as you leave yourself in the open risking everything to shoot out 2 or 3 stingers that probably won't even hit the heli and most people don't know how to stinger properly as well about the dodging part that one or two flairs don't stop a stinger ? and one stinger is almost enough to take down a heli or damage it severely that it has to RTB in the game you shoot one stinger it hits a heli and it flies off thinking that nothing happened like someone threw a fucking rock at the heli.

Have to mention how strong helis are and how life changing it is to take one heli down that can kill tanks like butter or just bomb a point out of existence and change the outcome of the war as if one side doesn't have CAS the other side dominates the war with their CAS.
you can’t always dodge stingers, in big helis like blackfoot, you have to move a significant distance to dodge the stinger, its almost impossible to do when your also in combat or being fired upon, let alone when RTB’ing when your back rotor got shot once by a flak cannon

Helis are OP yes, but whats the point in killing it via a Bug? Its not fair to pilot either, you cant bring the argument if something is OP or not when it’s literally a bug
you can’t always dodge stingers, in big helis like blackfoot, you have to move a significant distance to dodge the stinger, its almost impossible to do when your also in combat or being fired upon, let alone when RTB’ing when your back rotor got shot once by a flak cannon

Helis are OP yes, but whats the point in killing it via a Bug? Its not fair to pilot either, you cant bring the argument if something is OP or not when it’s literally a bug
Skill issue

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Dec 25, 2020
you can’t always dodge stingers, in big helis like blackfoot, you have to move a significant distance to dodge the stinger, its almost impossible to do when your also in combat or being fired upon, let alone when RTB’ing when your back rotor got shot once by a flak cannon

Helis are OP yes, but whats the point in killing it via a Bug? Its not fair to pilot either, you cant bring the argument if something is OP or not when it’s literally a bug
- Support
Just get good and dodge the stinger or stop complaining
funny how if a tank got 1 tapped by a RPG they would do the same lol
We used to have this shit loads with the old bradley - the little missile on it could 1-shot tanks and there was huge uproar about it for like two months solid. Ended up getting fixed because we decided that something which was supposed to do ~2000 damage doing effectively ~15000 damage was actually a bug.

Just going to point this out before anybody else turns up and tries to make shitty or useless remarks like our three comedians Headbutt, Vladislav and Alp (in Alp's case upvoting shitposts). This kind of shit isn't funny outside of Discord servers filled with ultra-toxic minges and it's posts like these which means we're unable to have genuine discussions on these kinds of posts.

Realistically the stinger should just explode when making contact, it shouldn't bug out and cause a helicopter to free-fall. If we don't restock for bugs then why don't we stop restocking too for despawns?

Good pilots still get hit by stingers, but they can often land the helis and repair them. This seems to be the way we intended on the game being played.

Seems people are getting confused between balancing, and something being pseudo-nerfed by the fact that it's bugged.

That being said, I really don't have too big of an opinion on this matter (contrary to what the recording says). The underlying bug should definately be fixed though.
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i'd like to also add that sometimes stingers can't be heard
They can but not hearing them is a glitch and honestly ive piloted in war countless times by now and honestly never died via stinger its very easy to avoid them even if silent
and 1 shot stingers have always been a thing but i dont understand why its an issue now
They can but not hearing them is a glitch and honestly ive piloted in war countless times by now and honestly never died via stinger its very easy to avoid them even if silent
and 1 shot stingers have always been a thing but i dont understand why its an issue now
you cant avoid a silent stinger, how would you know its chasing you?? what is this logic
also,you flown like 3 times in war since you became SC
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