RMP CPT Athena NHC Application

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Deleted member 1078

-Wrongfully accused me of cheating with out any thought
+/- unsure on wealth in game
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Active member
Nov 3, 2021
-Disrespectful and also forcing people with orders
-Not useful leading
-Screams if not given way

-Disrespectful with people who don't follow orders
-Doesn't listen to people's advice

I just think if you respected people more and also listened to peoples orders more it will increase morale and if people are busy e.g. fixing rosters and helping CO's please don't scream/arrest people.

Be more kind and respectful I don't think you deserve it right now-Matt Taylor/Soviet Matt Borris

Hey Matt. It seems like you are upset over the situation two days ago and another situation in which I took war leading over you. Notice that giving criticism should involve fact-based feedback, not you changing up things to make them sound different. First situation: "Disrespect and forcing people with orders" and "fixing rosters and helping CO's please don't scream/arrest people."

Luckily for everyone, we have EVERYTHING recorded. So, I had asked over 5 times for everyone to go build FOBs, but I found 17th sitting ducks doing nothing. I asked you all to go build FOBs, but instead you COs encouraged disobedience. You said you were doing a training, which involved you playing UNO, and let's be real here: that's a very bad excuse. I said you could go finish FOBs and then go play UNO. I gave you all a chance to go build and you didn't, so as told by my superiors, I snatched one of you for a 5-minute arrest (who of course proceeded to talk shit to me for the next 5-10 minutes). Afterward, some of you decided to tell me you were helping with the roster. Now, that is an acceptable excuse to not build FOBs. However, you decided to inform me of this AFTER I had dragged one of you to jails. And now, if we look at the recording, you can see everything I just described go down. You can also see that I in fact wasn't disrespectful or scream at anyone. Quite the opposite, I feel like.


The second situation regarding: "Not useful leading -Screams if not given way". Now this seems like you mean that one situation in which you supposedly wanted to lead, but I had asked Owl first to lead so I was given priority. You told me I can't lead because Owl is leading, but I just told you that I am leading (as Owl gave me permission). If I remember correctly, you actually started being rude to me because you couldn't lead, not the other way around ?. I also have evidence regarding this:

^ I had asked you to go build FOBs, and while I was planning a war, you started being passive aggressive and going at me for not building myself, while you should have very well known I was planning the war with Augustin.

^ Next up, while war planning, I asked 17th what you were going to have out. You replied: "I don't know, you tell me" so I told you that we needed to know.

^ You continue being passive-aggressive by replying "no" to my request regarding tanks, which was just unnecessary and a dick move.

^ I then provide a decision on getting a tank out, as you had decided to let me decide.

^ You then deny me and say you are not going to take a tank out, after giving me the option to decide. Again, quite a dick thing to do, don't you think?

^ And then I reply with: "Maybe say that when I ask?"

You also often mention that "I scream" yet not at any point have I found myself screaming. Quite the contrary actually. If I am not given lead, I shrug it off. You are probably going to argue this, but suppose I can't prove you incorrect again, as I just zero'd my recordings until 30th of last month. I tried to recover the files but they wouldn't pop up, and honestly can't bother going through a deep scan just for you, so guess the fact that I already showed so much evidence invalidating your comment has to be enough to invalidate this one as well. Of course, you may also ask literally any NHC I have asked for permission to lead if I in fact "scream" when not given lead, such as Beskar or Rex ?.

You also say that I do not have useful leading. Could you provide an example of evidence regarding this? Below this reply, you can find a good old imgur album of the wars I've led, which most have been major victories. Due to this, I do not feel like your comment, much like the rest of it, is true at all. So please, prove me wrong with examples and or evidence.

In the future when providing criticism, I hope you understand to back it up with facts and not something you came up with. It gives a rather bad picture of you to be doing this especially as a CO. I can and pretty much just have proven everything you said false, and unfortunately unless you can give me examples of your accusations, I do not take your words for granted.

-not very Good at leading
-does not listen to orders

+active ingame and Ts3

Hi Rainbow, you said I am bad at leading and don't listen to orders. Now, this sounds rather incorrect, as most of the wars led by me have been major victories. Could you provide examples or evidence? Also could you provide examples or evidence regarding not following orders, as I pretty much follow orders all the time? Here's a compilation of wars led by me (may be missing some):

Victory (?) 21st of October (no picture)
Major victory 4th of november (Owl and me led)
Defeat 5th of november
Major victory 6th of november
Server crash during war :( 14th of november
Major victory 20th of november
Major victory 25th of november
Major victory 26th of november
Major victory 29th of november
Major defeat: 2th of december
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MRP War Criminal
Oct 23, 2021

I think she would fit seeing that she is strict and mature
+ Active
+ We could use some women power in the leading team
+ She has a greenie
(this is only funny if u know the meme)

+ Very well leadership ability



- can't take criticism
- sometimes very rude

- decent leader
- unsure of any other form of ruling other than yelling

Good day Athena, i would like to clear up few things in my comment before you reply with essay how ur best leader on planet. I am USSR main but speaking out of few wars u led and experience of other NATO mains i am willing to say that getting a major victory is most definitely very good but when second nation is outnumbered with ratio 2 to 1 is achievement which a toddler can achieve after watching others do it often. Other than that leadership skills are also considered how you achieve that victory and also something among the lines of team work and overall state of team u led. If your victory was achieved by price of having to yell at your team and some people leaving game because of it that would be a loss than a victory.

Right another thing i want to point out is you as yourself unable to take criticism. Reading your reply to Rainbow's and Matts's comments made me imagine a situation where a CPL or someone with rank close to this one has a complaint against you and you show him list of all of the major victories you got and clips of all of the people you have arrested instead of taking complaint and trying to resolve the situation.
To summarise i dont think you are ready to be part of NHC.

Best of luck


Active member
Jul 20, 2021
- never seen lead before
- can't take criticism
- can be very rude at times

all in all you would not make a good uhc thanks to your bad temper and your lack of being able to take constructive criticism -olegi
Jul 10, 2021

-Very disrespectful when something doesn't go her way

-Can't seem to respect others when faced with conflict
-Personally don't see her as a leader

+/- REP
-I've seen her on sometimes but I don't play NATO so idk

-High rank in RMP


MRP War Criminal
Oct 23, 2021

-Very disrespectful when something doesn't go her way

-Can't seem to respect others when faced with conflict
-Personally don't see her as a leader

+/- REP
-I've seen her on sometimes but I don't plan NATO so idk

-High rank in RMP
Jason I do feel her frustration here seeing that the sit took a long amount of time for both of u during a war. I more feel that she was frustrated rather then being disrespectful. Also i wanna add that both of u had points were u didn't let eachother finish their sentence.
Jul 10, 2021
Jason I do feel her frustration here seeing that the sit took a long amount of time for both of u during a war. I more feel that she was frustrated rather then being disrespectful. Also i wanna add that both of u had points were u didn't let eachother finish their sentence.
I have not made this because the sit I had with her took a long time, I have made this because in my experiences with her, I've seen her lead war once and during the interaction I had with her today she was rude and disrespectful to me. When I had argued my point in the call she proceeded to tell me to let her speak and then left the call and told the staff to talk to her specifically.

Owl Hootingson

Active member
Sep 19, 2021
Big + Support
+Has great leader capabilities
+Uses great tatics during war
+Always want to improve
+Always takes initiative
Good luck athena ?


New Member
Dec 9, 2021
-Support, Minge

+Support, she is definitely not holding a P90 directly to my forehead in the back of RMP Bunks threatening to eat all of my McNuggets if I don't give her support on this application.


All seriousness though, would be an amazing NHC. Very active and handles her regiment like a pro.

10/10 Would fight Russians with her again.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2021

+ Daily Active
+ Helpful
+ Lots of experience as leader
+ Very friendly towards everybody.

Best of luck Athena!


CC Executive VIP
Dec 21, 2020
Application Accepted

Please contact a Lieutenant General or above when you are on TeamSpeak to undergo the next steps of joining NATO High Command.​
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