Rule Suggestion Saint's Solution

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
TL;DR Edit MTF/GoI activity, promotion and RP expectations/requirements to allow players to focus on the core gameplay loop departments.

Activity on the server as well as RP as a whole has been on the decline [Uk], I specifically blame this on the fact the 3 Core Gameplay-Loop departments (GenSec, Research and Medical) are underplayed as well as having their duties assigned elsewhere.

But how does this affect anything!?
MTF Activity, on the server takes up about 20-40% (anywhere from 20-40 players) of all players at all times. This takes activity away from core departments depriving players of RP and damaging the servers Core Gameplay/RP loop which is testing.

But what do we do about this!?
Reduce activity expectations for MTFs. MTFs are not the main attraction of the server. If you are a member of an MTF, you are expected to flag on, do your related RP/job on the site then FLAG OFF to a core department.

Epsilon-11: You should combat breaches, and provide escorts for high risk tests. You should not be sat in HCZ doing the job of the General Security department.

Nu-7: You should be the Foundation's main fighting force on the surface, if CI act up respond and deal with it. If there is an event/RP on the surface secure the area and when it's done return to a core department.

Alpha-1 / Omega-1: We should only be on the job to provide escorts, assist in orders and engage in ISD/SC specific RP. Once it is over we should return to a core department.

CI/GOC: External GoIs should do their faction specific activity and then return to a core department, CI should raid, do any weaponization testing, then engage in any surface RP then flag off. The GOC should...

But I don't want to flag off!
Unfortunately, this is just how the jobs must be played to promote/create the most RP. I promise everyone that is reluctant to change their job there will be a minimal change to the content and RP you engage in on the server, and that which does change will be mostly positive.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Probably, but it's more relevant now than ever

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ More activity in core departments
+ More RP
+ More diverse activity
+ Better player retention
+ Less lag (Less entities like vehicles)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- Less MTF presence
- Loss of certain players

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This is a change I think can only benefit the frequency and quality of RP on the server, I'm not ignorant enough as to not understand that not everyone will support, agree with or even follow this change if it goes through. But, if the number of players on the server engaging with the Core Departments and Gameplay-Loop is increased enough it will improve server health as well as make the server more enjoyable.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Group Moderator
Dec 20, 2023
if anything this would dilute rp and variety and make the server less special, additionally why should i go for MTF CO ranks if i can only play for X amount of time per day? Id rather just go for CoS or DoIA and play that instead, additionally a majority of the server play combative jobs so it would result in an imbalance of 10x more GSD than any other dpt and newer players would struggle to get levels and stuff more cause ther ewill be like 5 RSD to 50 gsd
Also, activity on UK is dropping due to lag

I of course can't speak for everyone on the server, but a lot of people (including myself) have said that motivation to play is being killed by the lag that makes anything impossible to do without thinking 30 frames into the future and past. It isn't even a case of lag because of the server being full.

I remember needing priority join a lot to play during peak hours and waiting 10+ minutes to join if the server was full, this hasn't been the case for months.
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People should be able to play what they want and not be forced to play a core department if they don't want to. That would lead to tons of people leaving the server and never playing again. The numbers within regiments would also drastically decrease due to people not liking the change. Nobody is gonna want to grind all the way up to the rank they have always wanted then not be able to play as much as they would like...
Ok, so if it isn't being forced to not play, and juts reducing hourly requirements, then that's not going to do anything.

People are still going to play the jobs they enjoy most. As well as that, hourly standards are set by the heads of the Departments/MTF Commanders, so if there's an issue with them bring it to them.

This suggestion doesn't seem to be anything of substance IMO, if you have an issue with people playing what they want then oh well.
So basically NU7/DEA should metagame CI raids more (because surface is dead because there's no content to be had other than info breaches because no one flags onto civilian other than to loot food/chems, because if you wanted to RP as a civilian you came to the wrong server tbh)

E11 should get better guns because they won't be fighting people but SCPs and will be ERT 2(but worse)

O-1/A-1 should do no RP beyond being silent guard number 1-25

Imma be real. I keep seeing suggestions saying "We need this for RP! We need that for RP! There needs to be this rule to make people RP!" But there's already rules for talking OOC, and I've seen plenty of people who want to RP and will RP. But I've also seen people complain the RP happening doesn't have the world revolve around their character and their ability to do anything and everything, so "it's not real rp" to them. That's not to say everyone is going to RP well, but unless they're here to minge most will try.

Also try GOC. They love "rp" (sitting in their base all day making pac3s)

Tldr: This isn't needed for RP.
I think we need to expand on the Core Departments duties and potential responsibilities whilst somewhat limiting other MTF from doing the duties of other departments. Such as only allowing MTF into D-Block if they meet specific requirements or follow orders, not because they think D-Block is understaffed or has a d class with a gun. Or maybe ISD doing more arrests and interrogations than IA and DEA, or perhaps E-11 not allowing patrol and SCU into HCZ because they still think they are the only security allowed in HCZ. +Support people cant read can they.
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Suggestion Response

Hi Saint.

Thanks for taking the time to make a Suggestion

We cannot realistically regulate how often people play on a job, if people wish to play a job, we can't really go and say "Sorry, you've played too much of this job" realistically and have it be allowed. It would also be rather difficult to enforce as a rule. This will be getting denied.

Kind regards,
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