SpiderSlayer22's GM appeal.

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May 14, 2022
Name: SpiderSlayer22

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:182787615

Previous Rank: Senior Game Master

Date of resignation?: 17/08/2023

Why did you resign? I have resigned due to the unknown obstacles ahead of be as I was starting at a new education institution. I did not want to compromise my quality as a GM due to my personal schedule. It's better to not do a great job than a half baked event.

Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: No

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Never been kicked or banned, only some minor warnings prior to me becoming a Trial Game Master

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I have since established a pretty balanced schedule which would allow me to continue my career as a SGM and help the community and provide a nice experience for all enjoyers of MRP. I have left the GM team on very good terms as far as I know, besides minor hiccups along the way (Like everyone does) I consider that I did a great job for the duration of my position and I wish to continue in doing so if I'm given the opportunity to return back.
+ Support

  • Great quality of events
  • Active gamemaster
  • Great interactions in past
Hiya Spiderslayer, as someone who played in a few of your events as a regular player before, I really enjoyed the quality provided. In addition, you hosted a lot of events per month. I think having you back will be a great decision for the gamemaster team. Best of luck on your application, have a nice day.
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