Tadeusz SSHC Application

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Dec 28, 2021
Which server are you applying for? (UK/US):
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on MRP:
Joined on end of December 2021.


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
GMT +2

NATO name (regiment and rank):
PVT King of Head

USSR name (regiment and rank):
11thGMR LTCOL Tadeusz Castle

Civilian name:
Vladimir Makarov

Do you have a mic?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Only gonna post High Command applications

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, my past was full of being a minge (Attached files)

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
Yes, My signature has almost all the ranks i have held so far.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
I can't really say anything makes me the best candidate, i have experience in leading wars tho i do that mostly when no HC is on, I'm good with making/managing documents (Google docs/Google forms/Google Sheets), remaking current 11thGMR roster into what it is currently, helping make Gambits SWB roster and helping RMP/AOR bugs on the roster under requests by High Command/Friends.
I'm fairly active and trying to do something every peacetime, for the better outcome of future wars or my faction in general, that is FOB building/Making people not leave the server during peacetime (Due to boredom), Improving my regiments relationship with other ones (Mostly ATR) and other things (11th Doesn't get enough members to do any serious trainings).

List your in-game ranks on MRP:
NWO CPL (Event)

List your strengths and weaknesses:
- Easy going
- Active
- Making documents
- Knows when to be mingy and serious

- Overthinking
- Sometimes stubborn
- Walking sarcasm man

Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Tadeusz Castle, a Pole born in silesia since his childhood has been in a household secretly supporting communism, though since the arrival of NWO serving deligently.

He has enlisted to their military after hitting the age of 18, in his service he has seen alot of the world serving in multiple NWO campaigns against NATO, UAN and then again NATO, though sometimes being forced to serve under NATO by NWO spy agency.
In his times he has been in multiple regiments like SWB, STS, IVG, 1stAL, JAC, JAF, 17thAR, which gave him alot of experience and insight into how each regiments work, but finally he decided to deny his spy missions into NATO and stay in 1 regiment within NWO, which was 1stAL, he has transfered to from SWB due to the negligent behaviour of their CO team.
After months of hard work he has reached the rank of COL, but later demoted to MAJ and got put back at the rank of LTCOL.
(Thank you SL and GMs for making USSR lore before NWO not part of this timeline, ruined 90% of my lore)

What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
Keep the regiment you're in charge of in their best behaviour and efficency in combat, also integrating with them constantly to keep your relationship with every member strong, also leading wars against NATO scum!

What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:

Being mini-admins, making sure there are no rules breakings going on within their faction, and if possible dealing with it in RP or reporting them, also keeping the server health in check, making sure their faction doesn't die and has players.


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Mar 15, 2023
Neutral (Leaning +Support)
You have become quite active of recent, probably the most in 11th and have taken the opportunity to lead in multiple wars. Some decisions made while leading can be done better in a lot of cases but people have their opinions. Even though your behaviour can sometimes come off as trolling, you have a lot of experience of the server and SSHC needs activity. Good luck on your application.
Last edited:
Nov 27, 2021
1725195586289.pngHello Tad

We would like to express our gratitude for your interest in the position.

We are pleased to inform you that our team has reviewed your application, and we are in agreement that you are eligible to move to the next stage. We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application, and we are excited to learn more about your qualifications and experience. To proceed with the next stage, ensure to contact a Colonel General+ to schedule your interview.


Once again, we would like to thank you for your interest in the position.​
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