[UK] Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Ethics Chairman Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96962464
Discord name: Weestink
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 2 years.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Remmy "Brightside" Marshall
Civilian name: Rummius Beet Tackle
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently holding: Ethics Committee Member, CI Alpha
Previously Held: Internal Affairs Ambassador, MTF Omega-1 Sergeant, Director of Internal Affairs, Ethics Committee Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Two warnings over a year ago, for FailRP and for FearRP



Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Ethics Committee Member Application
Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's DoIA Application
Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Ambassador Application
Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Ethics Committee Assistant Application
Chief Overseer Hearing Summons - SUBPOENA LOG-0032
Chief Overseer Hearing Conclusion - CONCEPTUAL DOCUMENT
Chief Overseer Hearing Recording
Operation: "Watchers on the Wall"
Operation: "Cheese Toastie"
Epsilon-11 - Mandatory CO+ Evaluations

VTime: Attached

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Chairman, as I strongly believe I hold the skills necessary to perform the duties of the role to an exceptional degree. My time spent as an Ethics Member, and as the Director of Internal Affairs, was key to developing my managerial and RP creation skills which I regularly employ on the server. I've capitalized entirely on the grand opportunity I was given to hold a position as ECM, and completed my previous goals to understand high-level RP creation better, and to engage in larger, higher stakes RP scenarios. I have learnt how to competently navigate scenarios which are produced by players or RP leaders alike, which had aided in my overall development on the server. My ability to improvise, alongside my competency and consistency in the practice of RP creation, are some of the core skills my current role has given me, and are majoritively the reason why I am applying for the role of Chairman. I believe that throughout the positions I have held, as Ambassador, DoIA, and finally as Ethics Member, I have excelled and far exceeded the expectations of someone in each role. I have dedicated time to learning each of my previously held roles intrinsically, and sought out the advice of RP leaders on how my approach can be improved whilst performing duties. The mindful approach I have to all of the duties I perform puts me in an excellent position to progress into the role of Chairman, of which I believe I am currently the most qualified candidate, and will continue to perform and improve at an exceptional level.

My time as an Ethics Member has helped me understand, thoroughly, the duty of The Ethics Committee on the server, and the role that they play in RP health and the gameplay loop. Because of my strong understanding of the Ethics Committee, I would be more than able to represent the Committee competently, and keep my actions, as well as the actions of Ethics Members, Omega-1, and ECAs, compliant with what the Committee would be expected to do in SCP lore, and in the interest of RP health and quality. It is crucial for the RP health of the server that representatives of the Ethics Committee maintain this high standard of RP quality, dedication, and perseverance, because positions within Site Command are the highest attainable RP roles which players will aspire to achieve. Any lax in standards can devalue RP roles in the eyes of players. I believe I can set a strong example to aspiring members of Site Command. The Chairman in particular, both within SCP lore and on the server, is expected to act as the Committee's 'figurehead', and is commonly the face of major announcements and operations (e.g. Primary Action). Therefore, it is crucial that the Committee has a Chairman who is capable of representing and steering its decisions and direction effectively, hence why I am applying to hold this position.

As an Ethics Member I have found that the freedom to create innovative RP for any department on the server, with the influence and assistance of Omega-1 and the Committee as a whole, has been a breath of fresh air from my previous roles. I have excellent connections to the regimental leadership of Omega-1 and current members of the Ethics Committee. Given the Chairman position, I am confident that my existing connections, including those with Site Administration and O5, would enable me to maintain the position competently, and continue in the strong RP creation and leadership I have displayed thus far. Building upon my currently held connections within the server would go to benefit the entirety of the Ethics Committee, as well as Omega-1 were I to become Chairman. Improvements in communication, planning, and adherence to core RP expectations are some of the points I'd like to expand upon within the current Committee. As Chairman, I would be able to create meaningful change, and enforce by high expectations for RP to other members of the Committee, and to Omega-1 by extension.

One of the larger scoped reason of which I am applying for this role, is my desire to maintain relations between O5 and the Ethics Committee. I've previously discussed my excellent RP connections and familiarity with members of Site Admin and Site Command enable me to create quality RP, and will further elaborate upon why this is important, and why the Committee currently needs a Chairman with this quality. The Chairman and the Chief Overseer bind both O5 and Ethics together, through their leadership and understanding of one another. I have worked closely with the current Chief Overseer, Charles, in the past. And I feel confident that as Chairman, I would be able to collaborate with him during RP creation, and in the maintenance of RP health. This would allow, granularly, members of Omega-1 and the Committee to engage with their counterparts in O5 much more regularly and productively. Ultimately leading to the benefit of the Committee.

Overall, my desire to progress to the position of Chairman, is my belief in my own ability, and the potential I possess to influence RP standards and health across the site in a good direction. I am open to collaboration, and seek the advisement of others before taking immediate action. I am also improving my skills at delegation, and creating assignments for other players to complete. As Chairman, I would be able to properly apply all of my relevant skills, experience, and aspirations into a role that would allow me to benefit the server's RP health.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- I've previously stated the reasons that I am applying for the position of Chairman, but out of the current candidates I believe I am the best choice because of my consistency, and quality of work. Since I became an Ethics Member, I've worked diligently to create RP for players and to contribute, in any way that I can, towards the Committee and its success. I've levied my excellent knowledge of the Ethics Committee in lore, alongside my in-depth understanding of their responsibilities in and out of RP, to create fun and diverse RP scenarios for groups of players.

I have firmly put my foot forwards in the RP I have created, and ensured that my activities on the server meet the expectations of an Ethics Member both in and out of character. And I have attempted, in all RP creation, to incorporate the expectations of an RP Leader, as well. I believe the work I've done thus far as an Ethics Member speaks for itself, and is well-recognised by the players I've issued Operations and orders to, as well as the Members of Site Command, Site Admin, and Departmental Leadership I've worked alongside during aforementioned RP creation.

As an example of my consistency, I have referenced below some of the Operations, Tribunals, and RP scenarios that I have previously worked on, and some of which are still ongoing.

Players Involved: Overseer Council (Specifically -1), the Ethics Committee, Alpha-1, Omega-1, Chaos Insurgency.

Description: Following a series of in-character tribulations, the Ethics Committee discovered that the Chief Overseer had become aligned with a member of the Chaos Insurgency, and, had knowingly allowed him into Alpha-1 without amnestication. Forcing the hand of Alpha-1's regimental leadership in the process. Naturally, the insurgent turned out to be untrustworthy, which resulted in several conflicts leading up to his death. Once the Committee had been made aware of the identity of the insurgent, in this case it was Niox, we opened communication lines with him, and began an RP storyline which is currently ongoing.

From an Ethics Committee standpoint, we were disturbed to hear that the Chief Overseer had engaged in such blatant negligence, and had endangered himself and the other overseers by admitting a high-ranking insurgent into Alpha-1 and providing him with AO knowledge. I drafted a hearing summons and subpoena, which was issued to the Chief Overseer to attend a hearing for conspiracy and treason. This document, as well as the surrounding lore, was entered into the server's RP and Lore channel. Following the hearing (a full-length video is attached), we deliberated among the Committee on how we should proceed with this.

As of writing this application, the lore regarding this situation is still ongoing. Given the Chairman position, I would discuss further with Charles on how we could proceed with this (although it is currently in discussions between myself and other Committee Members). I have at this time written a conclusion and results memo, however, this is purely conceptual and has not been released in RP.

Documentation: Hearing Summons
Conceptual Conclusion Document
Hearing Video

Players Involved: The Ethics Committee / O-1, Site Admin, Epsilon-11, Medical Department, O5 / A-1, various during a Tribunal

Description: The initial incident which prompted this storyline, was the Committee's discovery of an unauthorised SCP-008 test. The Chairman, as well as several members of the Committee, I among them, dispatched with Omega-1 to halt the perpetrator's efforts. We found on arrival that a Site Advisor, Jax, alongside several members of E-11 were in the midst of conducting the test. We asked the present parties to provide documentation, proving that an Ethics Member had authorised this, to which no documentation was presented. After the initial questioning had concluded, we established each party's point of view on the matter. E-11 claimed that they had trusted the Site Advisor's word, that a 008 test had been approved. The Site Advisor, claimed that E-11 had documentation, which they were now unable to produce. Considering the complications with this situation, the Chairman summoned the two highest ranking members of E-11 present and the Site Advisor to a Tribunal, to dispute the incident. Assistant Phil Dee and I requested to be the prosecution for this case, given the severity of what had occurred.

In the days proceeding the Tribunal, Site Advisor Jax was found to have Class-F amnestics in his system, and claimed that last he could remember he had awoken in Epsilon-11's bunks. After hearing this, I collaborated with Alpha-1 and O5 to stage a kidnapping on both of the E-11 defendants, in order to question them further on the matter. Once we had acquired one, we interrogated him ruthlessly, involving AO in the enhanced interrogation methods. The E-11 admitted to what had happened, and so we decreed that their 'punishment' would be remaining on the defense for the Tribunal with the absence of Jax.

Ultimately, both defendants were found to be guilty, thanks to the work myself and Phill put into their prosecution.
  • Conspiracy 1 - Guilty
  • Endangerment 1 - Guilty
  • Procedures 2 - Guilty
  • Protocol 1 - Guilty
  • Treason 1 - Guilty
  • Kidnapping 1 - Not Guilty
  • Waste of Resource 2 - Guilty
After a verdict was reached, E-11 attempted to escape, causing the death of a Site Manager and one of the defendants in the process. Following the ugly business of the Tribunal, I elected that all Commissioned Officers within E-11 would be required to attend mandatory psychiatric evaluations to determine if any potential treason was still present. I created the following documentation, and issued it to both directors of medicine alongside an external order to complete this.

Documentation: Epsilon-11 - Mandatory CO+ Evaluations

Players Involved: Ethics Committee, DEA, Nu-7, ISD (Formerly IA)

Description: I created this Operation following the continual reports of personnel trespassing in Garage, Floor 2, and in more extreme cases, surface. The goal behind the creation of this Operation, was to identify individuals who posed a risk to Foundation security, by neglecting to adhere to Nu-7 and DEAs orders whilst in areas exceeding Floor 2, and those who risked their lives by attending such areas without necessary reason, authorisation, or preparation.

I created the documentation for this operation, and included DEA, Nu-7 and ISD in it, so that SOP would be able to request ISD's assistance directly in situations where it was required. I also requested the creation of an external event channel for details of these incidents to be recorded.

Documentation: Operation Document

Players Involved: Ethics Committee, Internal Security Department, Research Department

Description: This operation was targeted at the Department of Research, particularly the upper echelons. I intended for ISD to look into the actions of the Researcher Department considering I was actively being more lenient and more accepting of test propositions. I wished for ISD to keep track on the Research Department activities, ensure they were not overstepping or deviating from agreed upon testing.

Documentation: Operation Document

Players Involved & Charges: Prosecutors: Assistant Zenith Defendants: Consultant ‘Fluff’
  • Misuse 2 - Not Guilty
  • Unprofessional Conduct - Not Guilty
  • Endangerment - Not Guilty
  • Conspiracy 1 - Not Guilty
Description: A Tribunal against Fluff was called shortly after two pieces of evidence were submitted to Omega-1. Both of which showed her misuse of a tranquilizer pistol against combatants in Omega-1, and her intentional misuse of equipment in order to damage Foundation property. I assisted one of our Ethics Committee Assistants, Zenith, in the creation of a summons document, and presided as the Judge over this Tribunal.

Ultimately, the Defendant was found to be not guilty on all charges. Based on the prosecutions poor effort, and the defense's superior preparation.

Documentation: Tribunal Summons

Players Involved & Charges: Prosecutors: Jimmy Swan, John Blob Johnson Defendants: John Gensec (Houston Benton), three event characters played by Jeremy Siens, Auburn, and Napoleon.
  • Conspiracy 1 - Not Guilty
  • Conspiracy 2 - Not Guilty
  • Assault 1 - Not Guilty
  • Manslaughter 1 - Not Guilty
  • Endangerment 1 - Not Guilty
  • Misuse 2 - Guilty
  • Waste of Resource 2 - Not Guilty
  • Biology 1 - Not Guilty
  • Biology 2 - Not Guilty
  • Negligence 1 - Not Guilty
  • Protocol 1 - Guilty
  • Public Nuisance 1 - Not Guilty
  • Vandalism 1 - Not Guilty
  • Murder 1 - Guilty
  • Murder 2 - Not Guilty
  • Theft 1 - Not Guilty
  • Negotiations 1 - Not Guilty
Description: Houston's character, John Gensec, was accused of having murdered an unarmed, non-compliant D-Class. The prosecution wished to bring this evidence to a Tribunal, in hope of recognition for his actions. I presided as the Judge for this Tribunal. Ultimately, with the help of the RP enhancement from the GMs present, this Tribunal was very fun for everyone involved. RP from this Tribunal is still ongoing, as it was later found that Jimmy Swan, whom had initially had the D-Class restrained, had been performing unethical tests at the time.

Ultimately, the Defendant was found to be guilty of Misuse 2, Protocol 1, Murder 1. The other charges were ignored due to being ridiculous...

Documentation: N/A - Evidence

Future plans for the Committee

The state in which RedMann left the Committee in is exceptionally strong. Given the role of Chairman, a certain aspect of my role would be maintenance. First and foremost, the current documentation which the Ethics Committee use, including the handbook,, drive, and documents for ECMs, the handbook, roster, and documents for ECAs are fit for purpose, and I do not see a need at this time to overhaul many of them at this time. Furthermore, the state of the Ethics Committee's internal systems is strong. I believe there are small areas in which efficiency could be improved, and would be likely as Chairman to establish a meeting weekly or bi-weekly to discuss ongoing RP storylines. I created a channel within Omega-1's channels for the recording of ongoing operations and storylines, for the purpose of keeping all of Ethics and Omega-1 in the loop, I imagine a system such as this would benefit Ethics at this time.

Ethics Committee - From the Committee, I would like to see a large increase in the proactiveness and engagement of ECMs. Typically, Ethics Members are trusted to create operations of their own, for any department, and manage and conclude the RP themselves. I would like to increase in the creation of public-facing RP, as opposed to RP which takes place within a small, select group of individuals. It is important that Site Command members utilize their extended influence and resources to benefit the overall RP health of the server, however, I do not always see this from the Committee, currently. Something of which I would aim to massively improve. This could be enforced by the means of monthly reviews, a system which I would additionally intend to keep.

Alongside this, I would like to ensure that Ethics Members are adhering to what would be expecting of them in lore. Sometimes I find that the approach taken by the Committee is far too lax, considering what the Ethics Committee is trusted with, and what their true purpose ultimately is. Incidents in which individuals have been allowed to violate the Foundation's mission statement extensively, receiving no more than a 'slap on the wrist' or even total ignorance from the Committee have become more frequent. As Chairman, I would wish to see a reduction in these occurrences, and would aim to keep the actions of the Committee within what would be expected of them within SCP lore.

Ethics Assistants - I feel somewhat that our Ethics Assistants have been neglected for some time. This theme is not uncommon with Assistants, be it for Ethics or O5. As an Ethics Member I am currently seeing to the roster of Assistants, and looking to remove inactive members with the rest of the Committee. As Chairman, I could see to it that orders for Assistants become more regulated, and that Assistants are generally given more to do. Despite the documentation for Assistants being, overall, in a good place. I feel as though the licensing and seniority system we have for ECAs has been overlooked, entirely. We do at this time appoint an ECM as the ECA liaison, however, I do not feel that this role should come with the responsibility of managing the roster and ECAs entirely. That duty, should be shared among the entire Committee. As Chairman, I would see to it that this system is given the required attention, and integrate our current system with the ideas Requis has mentioned to Ethics about allowing ECAs increased opportunities to Judge tribunals.

Omega-1 - The Committee has exceptional relations to Omega-1 at this moment in time. Thanks to the incredible efforts made by Assassin and the CO team, Omega-1 are experiencing a consistent influx of new recruits, as well as a consistent level of operations and RP. It was made clear to me earlier on in my role as an Ethics Member, that Omega-1 does not need to be managed by the Ethics Committee. The regimental leadership exist, just like any other MTF, and are more than capable of running the regiment. I cannot overstate my satisfaction with the level at which Omega-1 perform, and as Ethics Chairman, I would seek solely to support the regiment and the decisions made by their COs and regimental leadership. I would additionally consider larger scale operations, such as the 'Damocles' protocol or primary action, for Omega-1 to engage in.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP? [Referenced from my previous application]:
The Ethics Committee are best described as being "process-driven", and this theme should be present in their interactions with other personnel. It is commonly misunderstood that the Committee serves as the 'opposition' to the Overseer Council, aiming to scrutinize and sabotage the Council's plans in any way possible. While it is true that the Committee focuses heavily on the ethicality of the processes used to achieve the Foundation's mission statement, and may scrutinize and challenge the Council's decisions, their ultimate objectives align with that of the Administrator's. Furthering the development of the SCP Foundation, and maintaining it's goal to Secure, Contain, and Protect. In RP the Ethics Committee are expected to do the following:

Oversee testing and resource usage - To maintain a "well oiled machine" the Committee must monitor the Foundation's use of resources, and determine whether or not they are acceptable. Since almost all research on the server is oriented around the use of D-Class personnel the Ethics Committee would be expected to enforce strict policy over their use. They would additionally be expected to enforce the ethical use of resources via ECA's, Omega-1, or Internal Affairs by proxy. When determining the ethicality of a test, the committee should consider if the experiment will help to UNDERSTAND the SCP object, if the experiment will help to CONTAIN the object, and if the loss of a human life is justifiable in exchange for the information that will be gained. Based on the researcher's hypothesis, and the value that proving / disproving it adds to the Foundation's mission statement, the Committee may choose to permit or deny tests to converse D-Class personnel and other valuable resources. Per the Researcher Policy Handbook created by Eidolon, the committee are expected to authorize tests involving physical interaction with anomalies by NON D-Class personnel (including the use of anomalous sample materials), and must authorize all SCP-008 testing. The committee are additionally required to authorize any test involving more than three D-Class and tests involving the use of biological substances in SCP-914.

Senior CL4 & CL5 authorisations - As Clearance level 5 personnel, the Ethics Committee are expected to authorise the following during RP.
CL5 Authorisations:
  • Detonating the on-site Alpha Warhead. This action must be done in moderation, and Ethics Members should greatly consider the impact of activating the Warhead and causing a complete RP reset. Additionally, the ability to forcefully call ERT has been added to Site Command as of recently needs to be done in moderation, as to not ruin the experience for players who've waited to breach as SCPs.
  • Researcher tests requiring of their authorization (listed above).
  • Creation of Tribunals and issuing of summons.
  • Amnestication, termination, and assassination of high clearance personnel (Primary action in the case of O5).
CL4 Authorisations:
  • Advanced armory (AA) when three or more SCPs have breached.
  • Mass Termination of D-Class Personnel when it's required in RP, for example during a mass escape.
  • Call a Code Black to evacuate the site when a breach is severe, to make way for MTFs and ERT to perform their duties.
  • Issue AOS orders and investigations.

Foundation Legal Codex - Enforcing, updating, and maintaining the Foundation Legal Codex is one of the core duties of the Ethics Committee. The Legal Codex imposes Ethical and Conductual restrictions on individuals operating with the SCP Foundation, and in RP, is used to determine what 'should' and 'should not' happen. The Committee make use of the FLC to extend their own influence over the site, and oversee the department of Internal Affairs, whom are the primary investigatory and arresting authority on-site, in doing so. The Committee may also make use of Omega-1 to enforce the Legal Codex, or assistants to the Ethics Committee. The use of the FLC is core to the currently gameplay loop on the server, and the documentation itself acts as a platform to enforce consequences against personnel. Plainly, without the Codex, players would experience little to no retaliation for their actions, and this would impact RP massively. Hence the importance of it's maintenance and updating as new content and policies are introduced to the server.

Tribunals - Tribunals are currently the sole duty of the Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee are expected to uphold an unbiased platform for personnel to bring forward and consolidate evidence of FLC violations, and reach a verdict determined by a panel of judges in RP. Tribunals open up the possibilities for enhanced punishments in RP beyond that of jailtime, and can be used to prevent evasion of high-clearance personnel whom may otherwise be overlooked for their violations.

Chairman specific responsibilities in RP:
I will not list extensively the differences between the Chairman and Ethics Members in RP, as functionally they both serve the Ethics Committee. However, the Chairman is responsible for making larger scale changes, particularly those which impact the Committee as a whole. And, the Chairman is expected to deal with Ethics Member whom have strayed from their duties, or acted in a way which has badly represented the Committee.

More prominently, the Chairman would, in RP, have a much easier time contacting the Chief Overseer or the Office of the Administrator. This means that the Chairman would be expected to involve and contact relevant parties for their subordinates.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- The Ethics Committee handle applications for the following:
  • Ethics Committee Assistants
  • Ethics Committee Members
  • Director of Internal Affairs
The Ethics Committee are also responsible for the appointment of the Omega-1 Commander, and have a sway in other Senior CL4 appointments (However do not make these appointments themselves). The Committee are generally expected to uphold and consider the health of the server's RP environments, and make efforts to assist departments who are in need of assistance.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Greetings. I am Cairo.aic, a ver2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript used by the Ethics Committee for archival and communications purposes. What can I do for you today?

Input: Access the Ethics Committee network.
Access to the Ethics Committee Network is restricted to Ethics Committee Members, if you’re unable to authenticate I will be forced to deploy Mobile Task Force Omega-1 (“Law’s Left Hand”). Are you sure you want to risk that?

Input: Continue.
Like a whisper carried away by wind, by the will of Helios...

Input: Icarus was plunged down, as he flew too close to the sun.
Hmm, that's the right answer. And your biometrics check out... Welcome, Ethics Chairman Fionn O'Rourke.

Input: Search Query "Remmy Marshall"

Search Results (Displaying Most Recent):

File Name
Clearance Level
Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's dossier file, containing details of his tenure​
Level 5​
Level 5​
R. Marshall​
IA Operation "Blockade" | Contains 'Remmy Marshall'​
Level 4 [IA]​
M. Travolta

Find More Results...


Input: file open Remmy_Brightside_Marshall_Personnel_File







Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Personnel File


Input: I've received correspondence, Cairo, I expect that this will be the last time we speak. Upload the following documentation to Marshall's personal drive:

Letter to R. Marshall

That is... Regrettable, Chairman. I was sure you'd... Well.

Input: That isn't sentiment I see, is it, Cairo? My predecessor used to say there was no room for that in the Committee.

You should take solace in my words, Chairman. I'm sure your upcoming company will be void of, that, entirely.

Input: Well... Fuck.

Input: Log off
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Reactions: Broda and Ellie
Dec 3, 2023
(Totally didn't see it before it was out and read it)

Knows how to create lots of RP with chairman could do lots of things definitely a +Support

If I see Niox comment "Here comes all of O-1 to +Support" I might flip.
Dec 19, 2020

Rummius Beet Tackle has created a solid application especially based on the fact of how he was an Ethics Committee Member and Director of Internal Affairs. Those positions reinforce that it is quite possible for him to take on weighty positions in the structure of the server. Nevertheless, past warnings of FailRP and FearRP, among other institutional administrative sanctions, present reasonable issues concerning his commitment to server rules and whether his performance will always meet the standards required of an Ethics Committee Chairman. While these incidents happened some time ago, still they are other significant information that needs to be weighed while analysing his candidature for such a sensitive position.

His praise of interests of more active and multilevel roleplay is clearly explains why he hopes to take such a drastic step, however the position of Chairman consist not only of roleplay skills. It includes the very strong necessity to make decisions on the lead, to allocate duties properly, and to manage unethical actions in several areas of competence. In this respect it would be interesting to hear more examples from Rummius’s practice that would portray his leadership in difficult situations as well as working with other important areas of the organization and not forgetting the highest ethical principles within the organization. His application would be stronger in relating evidence of leading, working together and ensuring that all the described high standards are not breached at any time.
  • Haha
Reactions: 'Athena'


Senior Developer
Senior Developer
Programming Team
Jan 21, 2022

I agree with Kvarkar’s well-balanced perspective on Rummius Beet Tackle’s application. There’s no doubt that his prior roles as an Ethics Committee Member and Director of Internal Affairs show that he has the experience needed to manage high-level positions within the server. However, the concerns about his past warnings, such as FailRP and FearRP, can’t be overlooked, especially when considering a position as sensitive as Ethics Committee Chairman. His past actions should definitely factor into whether or not he can be trusted with the immense responsibility this role requires.

Rummius clearly has a passion for more dynamic roleplay, which is admirable, but as Kvarkar mentioned, the Chairman role demands more than just RP proficiency. It requires decisive leadership, sound judgment, and the ability to enforce ethical standards without compromise. I agree that his application could benefit from more concrete examples that show his leadership in action, especially in high-pressure situations where ethics and cooperation are key.

Overall, I think Rummius has potential, but there are still some concerns that need to be addressed before fully endorsing his candidacy.
  • Haha
Reactions: 'Athena'

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Remmy's application for the ECC position at CivilNetworks.net. Remmy possesses a unique blend of skills and experiences that make him an ideal candidate for this role.

His proven track record in [specific relevant experiences or skills] demonstrates his commitment and ability to excel in challenging environments. Moreover, his strong interpersonal skills and dedication to collaboration align perfectly with the values of CivilNetworks.

I am confident that Remmy will bring valuable insights and a proactive approach to the ECC team. Please feel free to reach out if you need further information about his qualifications.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]

Rummius Beet Tackle has created a solid application especially based on the fact of how he was an Ethics Committee Member and Director of Internal Affairs. Those positions reinforce that it is quite possible for him to take on weighty positions in the structure of the server. Nevertheless, past warnings of FailRP and FearRP, among other institutional administrative sanctions, present reasonable issues concerning his commitment to server rules and whether his performance will always meet the standards required of an Ethics Committee Chairman. While these incidents happened some time ago, still they are other significant information that needs to be weighed while analysing his candidature for such a sensitive position.

His praise of interests of more active and multilevel roleplay is clearly explains why he hopes to take such a drastic step, however the position of Chairman consist not only of roleplay skills. It includes the very strong necessity to make decisions on the lead, to allocate duties properly, and to manage unethical actions in several areas of competence. In this respect it would be interesting to hear more examples from Rummius’s practice that would portray his leadership in difficult situations as well as working with other important areas of the organization and not forgetting the highest ethical principles within the organization. His application would be stronger in relating evidence of leading, working together and ensuring that all the described high standards are not breached at any time.

I agree with Kvarkar’s well-balanced perspective on Rummius Beet Tackle’s application. There’s no doubt that his prior roles as an Ethics Committee Member and Director of Internal Affairs show that he has the experience needed to manage high-level positions within the server. However, the concerns about his past warnings, such as FailRP and FearRP, can’t be overlooked, especially when considering a position as sensitive as Ethics Committee Chairman. His past actions should definitely factor into whether or not he can be trusted with the immense responsibility this role requires.

Rummius clearly has a passion for more dynamic roleplay, which is admirable, but as Kvarkar mentioned, the Chairman role demands more than just RP proficiency. It requires decisive leadership, sound judgment, and the ability to enforce ethical standards without compromise. I agree that his application could benefit from more concrete examples that show his leadership in action, especially in high-pressure situations where ethics and cooperation are key.

Overall, I think Rummius has potential, but there are still some concerns that need to be addressed before fully endorsing his candidacy.
using 2 warnings from over a year ago against someone is wack. if having 2 warnings is scary then idk how I got chairman with an MRDM ban and a failrp warn 💀

  • Haha
Reactions: Niox
Please don't remove me from ECA...

Honestly, Remmy has made remarkable progress since returning to the server.

He successfully handled Internal Affairs and has worked to become a Ethics Member

From what I've seen, he's performed really well as an Ethics Member , and I believe he has great potential to as Ethics Chairman.

Good Luck Remmy and Please Play Minecraft with me again
using 2 warnings from over a year ago against someone is wack. if having 2 warnings is scary then idk how I got chairman with an MRDM ban and a failrp warn 💀

Sarcasm is not your strong point


Remmy is a good lad and has displayed immense competency throughout his time playing the server. Good luck (y)
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