Accepted UNGOC TB Slight buff

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Apr 6, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Gives UNGOC Thaumatologist 100 or at least 75 energy and if not allow it to have extra health

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not too my knowledge but I could be wrong

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- UNGOC TB will have more use
- I can stab people with bullet freeze on for extra time
- Makes sense because the UNGOC tends to have better Thaumatologists in lore ( I.E; Academy of Unified Thaumatology )
- Gives TB a fighting chance against SCPs and helps with countering Type-Green ( The UNGOC mostly fight KTEs when not in war )

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Balancing issues
- During wars with Foundation will make the problem of Type-Blue be exasperated

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think that the UNGOC are not fighting human players enough to make the UNGOC Type-Blue being powerful a large issue ( Unlike CI TB ).
I can see why it would be accepted and I can see how it would be denied but I reckon it would be neat :D
GOC TB was always supposed to be combative, the job description states it being a combat unit.
View attachment 13861
Emphasis on LOW level, and focused on RESEARCHING. Its creation is pretty clearly a RP orientated job.
I always wondered if GOC Thaumo was intended to be non- combative and they just…. Forgot. Genuinely have had this question for a while in my head of “was it always meant to be like that?”
View attachment 13861
Emphasis on LOW level, and focused on RESEARCHING. Its creation is pretty clearly a RP orientated job.
A "low-level" reality bender can still be a potent force, it's just not reality bending in the same vein as TG-A, TG-B, Clef, etc. If we go by lore, the Coalition hires many combative TB's; the main strike force in lore has one.

All that being said, CI and GOC TB should be on the same level IMO. If they aren't, that should be the the change implemented. Before anyone says "but GOC has tac tablet", that thing has insane timers and is countered by literally strafing left at any point.
View attachment 13863
A "low-level" reality bender can still be a potent force, it's just not reality bending in the same vein as TG-A, TG-B, Clef, etc. If we go by lore, the Coalition hires many combative TB's; the main strike force in lore has one.

All that being said, CI and GOC TB should be on the same level IMO. If they aren't, that should be the the change implemented. Before anyone says "but GOC has tac tablet", that thing has insane timers and is countered by literally strafing left at any point.
This doesn't address the fact that the person incharge of its implementation states its main goal is researcher. It is essentially a 1:1 recreation of Research Thaum, but for GOC to use in their RP. It shares the same exact kit, same description when the update was announced, and same name. If it was meant to be used for combat it would be called a Type Blue like Class-D's and CI's reality benders. It wouldn't be described as a low-level reality bender focused on researching ritualistic magic.

As for the job description argument, its kinda invalid. If you take the time to look at most of them you'd realize a vast majority of them either don't make sense or are just false, mainly cause they are copy pasted from other websites. Overseer Assistant says it can order Alpha-1 but that is untrue. Alpha-1 descriptions mention being over and incharge of E-11, but that is untrue. It's much better to look at the intentions of the implementations instead of a description copy pasted in.
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This doesn't address the fact that the person incharge of its implementation states its main goal is researcher. It is essentially a 1:1 recreation of Research Thaum, but for GOC to use in their RP. It shares the same exact kit, same description when the update was announced, and same name. If it was meant to be used for combat it would be called a Type Blue like Class-D's and CI's reality benders. It wouldn't be described as a low-level reality bender focused on researching ritualistic magic.

As for the job description argument, its kinda invalid. If you take the time to look at most of them you'd realize a vast majority of them either don't make sense or are just false, mainly cause they are copy pasted from other websites. Overseer Assistant says it can order Alpha-1 but that is untrue. Alpha-1 descriptions mention being over and incharge of E-11, but that is untrue. It's much better to look at the intentions of the implementations instead of a description copy pasted in.
Implementation doesn't matter at this point, since literally in the change logs it's now a combative class. IMO it never should have been non-combative, as that doesn't make sense at all for the GOC, but that's a moot point.
As for the job description argument, it’s kinda invalid. If you take the time to look at most of them you'd realize a vast majority of them either don't make sense or are just false, mainly cause they are copy pasted from other websites. Overseer Assistant says it can order Alpha-1 but that is untrue. Alpha-1 descriptions mention being over and incharge of E-11, but that is untrue. It's much better to look at the intentions of the implementations instead of a description copy pasted in.
I mean the GOC one being shown isn’t lore that’s just copied over, it’s an actual description of what it’s meant to do.
It literally says they have “chosen to enlist within one of the many thaumaturgy-combative squadrons”. I get disregarding descriptions that are just wrong and can be proved wrong - but that doesn’t mean you should disregard them all.

All that being said, CI and GOC TB should be on the same level IMO. If they aren't, that should be the change implemented.
gotta disagree here. Although I’m not a GOC member (shocker), I don’t feel like this suits GOC very well.
If GOC get a TB then it gets a timer, which restricts thaumo RP at times, as a GOC might not be able to flag onto it.


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
Suggestion Up For Further Discussion

Hi Ronin,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to put your suggestion up for internal discussion.

We believe all jobs in a faction should have a role to play in combat, but we do not want to turn UNGOC into a reality-bending raiding faction similar to how CI operates now. Making UNGOC too reliant on reality-bending would be a detriment overall as it would reduce the variety of combat in the server.
We are going to be looking at how Thauma operates in combat, and further discussing it in the discord to come to an appropriate decision.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as pending review.​
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