[USA] Coral Lycensoft's Ethics member Application

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Coral Lycensoft

Game Master
Game Master
Feb 27, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:66984955
Discord name: Spotycoffee#2709
For how long have you played on CG SCP
714 hours
In what country are you located?
Time zone:
GMT+ 1
Character name
Coral Lycensoft

Civilian name
Ana Jhonson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes, its my primary form of communication. Many know and recognise my voice so its always hard for me to stay hidden if someone’s chasing after me.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Prior Medical consultant, prior NU-7 PVT and current Ethics Assistant.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
- Nope! I’m too much of a goody two shoes, no warns or anything of such. I always avoid breaking rules and aim to always abide by them.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why.

- Ethics committee member is the role I am applying for, this has been the goal from the beginning of my time at the foundation. From my first encounter I believed this would be the best path for me- to me it seemed like the perfect role to help me improve the living conditions for all here and uphold my strong moral clock. As an assistant, I’m unable to make the changes, only suggest. As a member, I’ll be able to help without the delays, I’ll be able to boost moral and happiness. Despite that being more of a wishful thought. Some have also implored me to apply and see what happens, but this is mostly to see if I can achieve my goal.
- Of course, there will always be restraints, both in logistical and relations wise. But just to not sugar coat it, I want to lessen the relationship strain between the Ethics committee and site command. As an assistant I’ve witnessed the strain between both departments and hope to allow us to cooperate- Yes, I know this task will be hard and maybe even damning. But I believe with enough time and effort both sides we may be able to strengthen the foundation as a whole.
- I also wish to improve our ties with the GOC, I believe a partnership with them and a good one at that will prove very beneficial.

Call me naive if you wish, but this is my goal, I don’t want the fighting to continue. The more it does- the more likely the foundation will crumble as a result of it.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?

- I may be one of the newer assistants, but I’ve been on my toes with work and striving to improve living conditions of both SCP’s (beginning with the sentient ones, along with the ones who are willing to be cooperative. This document has already been handed in to my assigned Ethics member. I will continue to update it) and D-class- despite the fact of them being harder to work with... Some D-class have refused to cooperate others have, it’s been a massive coin toss. But I’m striving to work through these issues.
- I’ve organised an undercover operation into the ethicality of GENSEC, needless to say- arrests happened moments after the operation was started resulting in 2 arrests and a halt in the operation for fear of the IA agent’s safety.
- I’ve completed many tasks given to me by my assigned and other ethics members, all tasks were documented in a professional and simple manner but were detailed. They were handed in and have been stored.
- I’m on good terms with all Committee members, and many senior staff- I’m well known in the facility for my professionalism and dealing with many, many issues when some other assistants may not wish to. People also know me as a fair judge in terms of issues, I prefer to gather information on both sides before coming to a conclusion (unless there is immediate damming evidence).

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?

- One of the responsibilities is to read over research proposals if they require a signature from an ethics member and approve it if the test itself applies to the Codes of Ethics. This is to ensure there are minimal or no fatal injuries to staff or D-class personal. In regards to testing, they are permitted to approve both sampling and cross testing. They must always ensure any documents they overview and accept are don’t to a professional standard.

- Resolving any conflicts, conflicts arise frequently- we’re all human after all and are dealing with anomalous items and creatures that aren’t fully understood. Tensions can rise among groups resulting in squabbles, its up to ethics to try and resolve these issues- and to ensure the fighting doesn’t result in something more serious. Its also their job to uphold the legal and ethical codex in any and all humanitarian issues. They are also permitted to put down KOS orders on d-class’ in riots and breaches.

- Ethics members are permitted to call a facility wide evacuation of personal and staff, this is called a code black and is to only be called in the most serious of containment breaches if the ERT fails to contain the breach. If the situation worsens, the Ethics committee members have knowledge of the [REDACTED]. They are also able to Authorise AA to MTF units to aid in breaches.

- It’s the Ethics member responsibility to look out for the facility and perform damage control to ensure the facility’s secrecy and safety. They need to ensure the safety of all inside.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

- The Ethics committee are also responsible for overviewing and having a say in applications, to see if candidates are accepted or declined, these include CL4 positions, both Junior or Senior. They only assist in this when absolutely needed.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

After finally reaching her goal of Ethics committee member, Coral Lycensoft will aim to improve the conditions of any and all people in the facility, this includes all sentient SCP’s and the TYPE GREEN’s. She believes improving the quality of life may benefit all- resulting in less potential breaches from the more sentient SCP’s. She knows this may fail, but she will attempt to. Considering stress induced state and many, many frustrations with no seeming relief…eventually she may break- maybe will maybe wont. To Coral everything else is more important to the detriment of her own mental and physical health, yet she refuses to seek it out. Only relying on herself to get things done.
Recent events have shown coral some things, that not all things are well in the foundation. She wants to at least dim the pains and torments of those around her. Her mental health is dimming, but she remains vigilant and steadyfast. Who knows, maybe she could make a difference, but lets be honest. Thats likely a fever dream by this point.

In the short time I have known Coral, she has proven to me and many others that she is always 200% dedicated to whatever she does. Her Roleplay abilities are some of the best I have ever seen, and her work ethic is a perfect parallel to her passion. Truly a character of my own heart. There isn't anyone else I would rather see in Site Command at this time. You wont find someone like this again.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
-support Just overlooking your app it lacks a LOT of detail that ethics does for example you don't even mention changes to the COE. Next you have a MAJOR lack of experience with no Senior CL4 and overall you're still new. Lastly your timezone wouldn't work well with US as you're GMT on a USA server.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 26, 2021
Not much experience, not professional in some scenarios, all around not ready for the position.
Sep 1, 2022

The skills you learn as a Senior CL4 or SA is crucial to being a leader. I feel you may be jumping a few steps and should focus on learning more about the ins and outs of what the leaders of this site really do. It will really help in the long run.

- CoS Havoc
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-/+ Neutral Support

While I think you could be a good candidate for the position in the future, I think a very big part of being an ECM is knowing how to be a good leader. I personally would like to see an ECM have months (6+, like Dan McCarthy when he got ECM) of experience as an ECA or at least 1 senior position. Perhaps you could join an MTF and try to climb the ranks alongside your ECA position to get more leadership experience, as you have the paperwork side of it down, or go for a Dpt Director/Site Admin position.
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Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022

+ Major Support

Someone says were simping and others say you don't have enough experience but the way I see it is you have worked your butt off as ECA which is a mini-ECM you are crazy ethical like ethics SHOULD be. You are mature and you are amazing at rp you deserve this! IF they don't pick you, they are making a huge mistake. I'm so sorry that you are not getting the respect and the recognition you deserve but I know you will have a good future ahead of you on this server just keep your head up you're doing great!
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