Neutral (due to conflict of interest I won't give a + or -, but will state the following).
Coral is one of, if not the best ECA I've had the pleasure of meeting and interacting with, however, the issues that are present make them a controversial choice for ECM.
Firstly, throw away the complaints of "simping" and "because woman", they're stupid and aren't helpful lads.
The issue with Coral is that of this; lack of leadership abilities. While amazing at their job, I don't believe a SNR Leadership position of CL5 is a wise choice yet. Coral has issues of letting people walk over them, something they themselves have stated, which while I can be overcome, I feel it definitely needs to be sorted PRIOR to taking such a high position.
Coral is adored by many, and despised by some, and with the Ethics Committee being treated as they are (shit), I don't think a position of this magnitude is a good idea for Coral due to their perspective and practices they have. When you CL5, you have EVERYONE throwing shit at you due to the position, and while you are an AMAZING ECA, I don't believe that ECM is the smart move for you now. Give it another month or two, maybe try some other departments and spread your wings more.
I do agree with many on their reasons for support, but I agree with the negatives here too. I do believe you got a spot on the Committee, but I don't think it's yet.
I am however, open to being surprised and proven wrong.
Best of luck Coral!