Denied USSR V NATO (!)Read it properly first before making up your mind(!)

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Jan 2, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion would change the player count for each side, add more numbers to each regiment and remove the NWO v NATO Campaign

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Positives: More Numbers, Better equality on each side, and Enjoyable for players.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Not a lot I can think of except for reworking an entire faction.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

As many may like it to happen yet many speculated they wouldn't do it because of reasons such as the current situation right now revolving around Ukraine and Russia and several issues or somewhat or some over reason to not happen. I have some reasons why it should happen.
I've heard that the SL or some over kind of staff wouldn't like the idea of bringing back of USSR due to the current situation which could offend other people on the server, if that's the case then that's their problem, you want to have more numbers on the server and have a fair chance for everyone to enjoy correct? Then why not make it more appealing for new players? Of course, a majority of people would pick NATO because it's an IRL thing, and it's an obvious instinct because who tf knows what NWO is? It's just made up and it's not even catching many eyes of new players. You may say that "Oh well it doesn't matter what you think it's about what others think. This could offend many people!". I highly doubt people that soft would be playing a Garry Mod MRP server with war if they're too soft about it. Nevertheless, there's Nazi RP with swastikas surrounding the entire map, you can't deny that wouldn't offend many people. And I don't see many others complaining about it either. I can guarantee you that around 85% of NWO can agree that they would want USSR back without a doubt. Even make a vote or something. You could maybe even ask players on NWO how they feel about the current balance of this campaign as 17v40 constantly every day. Can't tell me that's fair though surely? Do you want more players? Give the people what they want. Make it enjoyable for everyone rather than worrying about people that might get offended by it. CC was already ruined and closed down. Don't make the same mistake twice for this server.
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Well-known Member
Aug 4, 2022
in my opinion USSR should be reinstated with the next map change

Jack G

Senior Administrator
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MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Couple of things I'd like to just pop in.
  1. Even when it was NATO vs USSR, there was a continuous number difference which was overwhelming for USSR. Despite the fact that yes, there's the argument that we did win 3x base raids in a row, that was entirely down to the fact that the map design was much more bias towards USSR (as was meant to be).
  2. I don't speak on behalf of the CN Company when I say this however the whole ordeal of the stuff happening in real life with Ukraine was not a direct and the only factor for swapping the Campaign. It was stale and a rinse-repeat for almost 2 years straight with no real difference since the servers release. We needed something different and I'm not saying swapping to USSR wouldn't make a difference at all, however in longevity, the lasting implications of swapping back will probably lead to the numbers eventually dwindling back to the current state.
  3. As an NWO main I can honestly tell you that there's a few issues as to why our numbers are shocking compared to NATO's. Of course, NATO being the more 'acknowledgeable' good side of the equation plays a massive part in the numbers, however, this isn't even meant to be the case. When the NWO and UAN was originally worked, it was meant to be subject to each individuals opinions as to who the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys' were. This eventually got scrapped and we turned it back to the typical good guy, bad guy server which eventually leads to the problem like we currently have with the numbers being horrific. Furthermore, there's no roleplay. If you go onto NATO there's more roleplay in one peacetime than there is a whole day as a NWO. This is a HUGE problem. There's more Peacetime than there is War time. This means regimental relationships, 'brotherhood' and all that soppy shit plays a huge part. If there is roleplay to make a side seem more interesting, this really helps increase the numbers as no one wants to main the side where peacetimes are an AFK simulator. Going back to the point about the Brotherhood type bond that regiments are supposed to have - Everyone is always at eachothers necks. The regiment that is most healthy which BUILDS on this is clearly ISAF. If you join their comms, there's nobody screaming. There's nobody telling eachother to Shut Up. They get along, do what needs to be done, roleplay, do trainings and overall make peacetimes a fun, enjoyable space. It always goes back to the same issue that without roleplay or a constant demand for action on a side, the opposite side where there's more things to do is always going to prevail. I feel even if we swapped to USSR, we're still going to have the same issue.
  4. Going back to the point you raise about the NaziRP. I'm again NOT speaking on behalf of Civil Networks when I say this however I believe your exact point is why were are not planning to open servers like this. Mexican Border RP, NaziRP etc. This could really have damaging implications for the current community to the point political standpoints could stunt the progression of the community growth. That's my own take on it. I wouldn't cut out the possibility of USSR or even the above servers listed coming out/coming back completely however in terms of the servers they are not currently planned and in terms of the possibility of USSR coming back, this campaign really has really not been here for long and I believe swapping and wasting our efforts on reverting content would be more damaging than beneficial when our Developer time can be spent somewhere else (such as the new Campaign system that is being worked on as per the Town Hall we recently had). Again, these are my own view points and are in no way, shape or form a direct answer to your suggestion/a direct opinion from Civil Networks this is purely my own take.

    This will still be ran through the normal process of accepting/denying a suggestion however, with this one I wanted to give some feedback that can actually be worked on straight away. This is my OWN opinion and is not a direct reply from the Content Team.

Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021
yes!! revert all changed !! so ussr(instead of nwo) can have lower numbers then nato as they did at all times! ?


Active member
Nov 16, 2022

The USSR hasn't existed for over 30 years, and the server is set in "WW3". Perhaps consider revamping NWO to address the player count issue, I'm not convinced the name is what's causing problems.
Apr 18, 2022
- Support

No idea how USSR would make a positive impact due to NWO actually being more interesting lore wise, the uniforms look cooler, the logo, guns, vehicle skins etc. USSR is a dead faction with old ass equipment compared to NWO.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021
Couple of things I'd like to just pop in.
  1. Even when it was NATO vs USSR, there was a continuous number difference which was overwhelming for USSR. Despite the fact that yes, there's the argument that we did win 3x base raids in a row, that was entirely down to the fact that the map design was much more bias towards USSR (as was meant to be).
  2. I don't speak on behalf of the CN Company when I say this however the whole ordeal of the stuff happening in real life with Ukraine was not a direct and the only factor for swapping the Campaign. It was stale and a rinse-repeat for almost 2 years straight with no real difference since the servers release. We needed something different and I'm not saying swapping to USSR wouldn't make a difference at all, however in longevity, the lasting implications of swapping back will probably lead to the numbers eventually dwindling back to the current state.
  3. As an NWO main I can honestly tell you that there's a few issues as to why our numbers are shocking compared to NATO's. Of course, NATO being the more 'acknowledgeable' good side of the equation plays a massive part in the numbers, however, this isn't even meant to be the case. When the NWO and UAN was originally worked, it was meant to be subject to each individuals opinions as to who the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys' were. This eventually got scrapped and we turned it back to the typical good guy, bad guy server which eventually leads to the problem like we currently have with the numbers being horrific. Furthermore, there's no roleplay. If you go onto NATO there's more roleplay in one peacetime than there is a whole day as a NWO. This is a HUGE problem. There's more Peacetime than there is War time. This means regimental relationships, 'brotherhood' and all that soppy shit plays a huge part. If there is roleplay to make a side seem more interesting, this really helps increase the numbers as no one wants to main the side where peacetimes are an AFK simulator. Going back to the point about the Brotherhood type bond that regiments are supposed to have - Everyone is always at eachothers necks. The regiment that is most healthy which BUILDS on this is clearly ISAF. If you join their comms, there's nobody screaming. There's nobody telling eachother to Shut Up. They get along, do what needs to be done, roleplay, do trainings and overall make peacetimes a fun, enjoyable space. It always goes back to the same issue that without roleplay or a constant demand for action on a side, the opposite side where there's more things to do is always going to prevail. I feel even if we swapped to USSR, we're still going to have the same issue.
  4. Going back to the point you raise about the NaziRP. I'm again NOT speaking on behalf of Civil Networks when I say this however I believe your exact point is why were are not planning to open servers like this. Mexican Border RP, NaziRP etc. This could really have damaging implications for the current community to the point political standpoints could stunt the progression of the community growth. That's my own take on it. I wouldn't cut out the possibility of USSR or even the above servers listed coming out/coming back completely however in terms of the servers they are not currently planned and in terms of the possibility of USSR coming back, this campaign really has really not been here for long and I believe swapping and wasting our efforts on reverting content would be more damaging than beneficial when our Developer time can be spent somewhere else (such as the new Campaign system that is being worked on as per the Town Hall we recently had). Again, these are my own view points and are in no way, shape or form a direct answer to your suggestion/a direct opinion from Civil Networks this is purely my own take.

    This will still be ran through the normal process of accepting/denying a suggestion however, with this one I wanted to give some feedback that can actually be worked on straight away. This is my OWN opinion and is not a direct reply from the Content Team.
going with the brotherhood thing you said honestly wolf, darkos, ghost, sins and to an extent vladislav we're the main reason i was playing the server and the relationship between members in regiments is probably a big reason to the imbalance people stay when they feel welcome
Look imma be real here I don't think it would be a good idea to switch. Like when it was NATO V USSR the numbers we also low on USSR part. I would prob give us more numbers at the start of campaign but it will die down eventually. Also this point was sarcastically raised by chad. It would also be stupid to just revert a whole update that devs have been involved for little to no impact. I honestly think it would not make lots of changes numbers wise.
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