Recent content by "Price"

  1. "Price"

    Prices staff blacklist appeal

    Name: "Price" Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:567754406 Previous Rank (convert if required): Trial Moderator Who demoted you?: Can't remember Date of demotion?: Some time last year What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK What is the case against you?: I have called someone...
  2. "Price"

    SkyWing's staff blacklist appeal

    + Support One of the Best COs I've met. Deserves Redemption (Holding) ---------------------------- UNGOC 1SGT SCP 096 ---------------------------- (Held) Nu7 SGT E11 CSG GSD Captain
  3. "Price"

    Goodbye from Sven Eriksson (Real)

    NOO SVEN!! if you need to talk to someone im here
  4. "Price"

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - toastebarksalot

    -Support Always see him goof around in D-Block -Have a clip of him cuffing D-Class in medical line through closed doors, not good, not professional
  5. "Price"

    [UK] Director of research - Jesse Soul application

    + Support + Good Application + Past and current CL4 roles so i think you will fit quite well + One of the best Researchers ive ever met LET THIS MAN COOK (HELD) GSD Captain E11 CSG Nu7 SGT
  6. "Price"

    Executive Researcher Application - Jesse Soul's - [UK]

    + Support + Experianced in research, used to be Exec + Docs you make are really good kinda jealous LET THIS MAN COOK :)
  7. "Price"

    [UK] Chief of security application format

    + Support See on GSD Cap a lot Fun person to be around Let this man cook (Holding) - Captain of GSD (Holding) - SCP 096 (Held) - E11 CSG (Held) Nu7 SGT
  8. "Price"

    SCP-UK Chief Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:567754406 Discord name: .ghostrw For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played on the server for about a year now Age: 21 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Price Wilson Civilian name: Alotto Dix What server are you applying for...
  9. "Price"

    Medical Consultant application ScpRP UK

    + Support Great Rper Always active as a Sr. Doctor Let her cook Doesn't let me mess around >:( ( HOLDING) Captain of GSD 096 (HELD) E11 CSG Nu7 SGT
  10. "Price"

    [UK] Lix's Security Captain Application

    +/- Support Never seen you play as a Riot Sargeant Good application
  11. "Price"

    [UK] Rosalyns Chief Of Security application

    +/- Support + Active a lot - Not a lot of Capitan experiance
  12. "Price"

    Chief Application (UK)

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:567754406 Discord name: .ghostrw For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played on the server for about a year now Age: 20 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Price Wilson Civilian name: Alotto Dix What server are you applying for...