Recent content by roach3

  1. roach3

    Content Suggestion Referral Expansion

  2. roach3

    Content Suggestion Nerf LMGs

  3. roach3

    Wondys Application

    +support, deserves it sad hes leaving ussr tho....
  4. roach3

    Content Suggestion Lock out Alternative wars after one has been triggered

    +SUPPORT!! remove 2 lane ctf&snd as well please
  5. roach3

    Accepted add vehicle damage/death logs

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: add vehicle damage/death logs Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: idk Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): we had a t72 on fire in base and it was destroyed by the end of war, we can...
  6. roach3

    [USA] Terry's DoISD Application

    +support amazing guy, super friendly and nice, would be a great fit
  7. roach3

    [SCP-RP USA] John Nohacks OSA

    +support great guy, deserves the role, he should absolutely get it
  8. roach3

    Kenan's HC Application

    +support ex scom, has experience good leader
  9. roach3

    Llexan's UHC Application

    neutral/leaning +support i think hes fit for hc, but i havent seen him lead would be a big +support if he leads a bit more
  10. roach3


    +support and make it failrp to drive vehicles when theyre not stealing them or whatever so we dont have pvts driving around
  11. roach3

    Denied New War Type - [Guardian War]

    -support interesting idea, but i dislike CTF and S&D because I cant capture any territory in it and I think this would be the same story would be interesting as a mission though