Hello Canoon,
First and foremost, I want to give an apology to everyone that had bad interactions with me, it wasnt in my interesst to hurt anyone in anyway. I have changed over the nearly one year where I have been Blacklisted and I understand what I have done wrong, and the things I have done...
Your in-game name: SCP - "Moonlight / Beta" ; MRP - "Moonlight"
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:568293454
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199096852636/
Date of blacklist: Mid 2024
Who blacklisted you (if known): Drew [MRP]; Naffen [SCP:RP]
To the best...
/ Support (Neutral)
- Its an decently powerful SCP that is Supposed to use his zombies as Attack function.
- Could be too OP if the Cane is too strong (shouldnt be more than 45 - 50 dmg per hit)
- It could be good and cool for players that are new / have never played SCP-049
- Could help 049...
+BIg Support
- This would be lit, CI and NU7 actually fighting real and not the Goofy ahh combat that sometimes was with Head glitching, Combat Jumping and idk. Add something like this where you ACTUALLY have to use skill so gain something, which would be capturing a point.
- Also You can add...
All you could find for TFA base? man TFA base is probably Bigger than ArcCW, CW 2.0, MW Base and what ever there is I could give YOU a list of weapons to EQUIP 10 ARMYS and you say THATS ALL YOU COULD FIND? I feel offended...
/ Neutral
- Getting SGT aint that hard if you play long and active enough
- Could be abused since SGT aint that high of a Rank
- I would legit say yes if you would have said CSG, since CSG is a "SrNCO" in my eyes.
- Support
- Too OP
- SCP-682, SCP-008 and Moon man would be like unbeatable if there would be a healing beam
- The Server is already Unbalanced and players want to unbalance it even more I mean wtf..?
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