Recent content by Trap Jesus

  1. Trap Jesus

    [USA] \\ Hanz Powers \\ Chief of security application

    +MASSIVE SUPPORT One of the best captains I ever worked with Extremely capable of handling position well Shoulda been chief already tbh
  2. Trap Jesus

    [USA] Hanz Powers COS application

    +support -amazing captain deserving of position ?
  3. Trap Jesus

    [US] // Thordan's- Chief of Security App //

    +support -amazing captain deserving of position ?
  4. Trap Jesus

    Rogue "Piru" Jwang's Captain Application (U.S)

    From: Chief of Security "Trap" To: Captain Applicant "Rogue" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello @roguejwang , your application has been ACCEPTED. Please contact me via discord - trapjesus. OR speff.
  5. Trap Jesus

    Thordan's Special agent App [USA]

    +HUGE SUPPORT -Goat captain -More than qualified
  6. Trap Jesus

    Tony Stewart ECA(Ethics committee Assistant)application[USA]

    +support very active trustworthy
  7. Trap Jesus

    [US] Dr.Ukriane Security Captain Application

    From: Chief of Security "Trap" To: Captain Applicant "Dr. Ukraine" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello @Dr.Ukriane , your application has been ACCEPTED. Please contact me via discord - trapjesus. OR speff.
  8. Trap Jesus

    Application for Security Captain [USA]

    From: Chief of Security "Trap" To: Captain Applicant "Jolly" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello @Jolly , your application has been DENIED. Please contact me via discord - trapjesus. OR speff.
  9. Trap Jesus

    Oscar[GHOST]Goodmen security captain form USA

    From: Chief of Security "Trap" To: Captain Applicant "Oscar" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello @Oscar[ghost] Goodmen , your application has been DENIED. Please contact me via discord - trapjesus. OR speff.
  10. Trap Jesus

    U.S.A Captain app Yaman kimbo

    Hello @yamankimbo Thank you for applying. Your application has been ACCEPTED. Contact me trapjesus or speff. on Discord for the next step.
  11. Trap Jesus

    [USA] Ramuh's Security Captain Application

    Hello @Ramuh Thank you for applying. Your application has been ACCEPTED. Contact me trapjesus or speff. on Discord for the next step.
  12. Trap Jesus

    [US] Craig's GSD Captain Application

    Hello @Harold Hawks Thank you for applying. Your application has been ACCEPTED. Contact me trapjesus or speff. on Discord for the next step.
  13. Trap Jesus

    "FullMoon"s GSD Captain Application [USA]

    Hello @blixer , Thank you for applying. Your application has been Denied. Contact me trapjesus or speff. on Discord for any questions. You may re-apply in 2 weeks from this message. Toggle signature
  14. Trap Jesus

    [USA] GSD Captain Application

    Hello @charleswilliamthe4th , Thank you for applying. Your application has been ACCEPTED. Contact me trapjesus or speff. on Discord for any questions.