Search results

  1. Brian Bell

    Accepted Increase Matador/AT4 Damage

    Suggestion Accepted Hi vamp, Your suggestion has been accepted. Due to the increase in strength of FOB structures and vehicles we have decided to increase the damage of hand held missile launchers to balance this.
  2. Brian Bell

    Accepted Revert Font Change

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Harry, Your suggestion has been accepted. These text changes are currently being looked into by our development team.
  3. Brian Bell

    Accepted JAC Shotgun change

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Kamil, Your suggestion has been accepted. All shotgun balance is being looked into and replacing with this will balance out the sides more accurately so will be implemented
  4. Brian Bell

    Accepted STS / SOTF Demolitions change

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been accepted. To balance with other kits the demolition should be given both weapons and choice of reg kit weapons, however due to your other jobs you will only receive one slot rather than 2 (unsure if this is current implementation)
  5. Brian Bell

    Accepted [MRP] Increase B2 and SCUD/ HIMARS damage multiplier on FOB structures.

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Connor, Your suggestion has been accepted. this is currently being looked into as an unforeseen side effect of the additional FOB structures.
  6. Brian Bell

    Accepted New base A-A cannons.

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Kiwi, Your suggestion has been accepted. This will improve base defenses but also add a more powerful defense to the bases as was available on highlands
  7. Brian Bell

    Denied Increase Scavenging/cooking level

    Suggestion Denied Hi Lee, Your suggestion has been denied. Due to the amount of re balance which would be needed to compensate the extra levels and potential minimizing of impact in lower levels we have decided not to implement this
  8. Brian Bell

    Denied HQ=armored vehicule change

    Suggestion Denied Hi Marqui, Your suggestion has been denied. currently most HQs deployed are stockpiled and unused a lot of the time. We see this as an issue of more careful usage and should not be given a separate limit.
  9. Brian Bell

    Denied New ways of making money

    Suggestion Denied Hi Kamil, Your suggestion has been denied. due to there being a certain level of economy importance in the server to prevent huge inflation we feel more money making methods are not needed on top of what is currently available.
  10. Brian Bell

    Denied Give JAC/1ST Tactical Infantry Vehicles license.

    Suggestion Denied Hi Toddy, Your suggestion has been denied. This was considered from a logical standpoint however due to it being majorly unpopular it has been denied
  11. Brian Bell

    Denied Allow civilian to fight for their town

    Suggestion Denied Hi GreenJoe, Your suggestion has been denied. We are currently working on more content for civilian roles but the fighting during war or claims is reserved for the militia and will not be changed.
  12. Brian Bell

    Accepted Removing Marking stuff on Map

    Suggestion Accepted Hi zaps, Your suggestion has been accepted. Even though a few members misread this suggestion being able to remove markers you have placed is a good feature we will look into implementing.
  13. Brian Bell

    Accepted bradley particles

    Suggestion Accepted Hi roache, Your suggestion has been accepted. The particles on a few vehicles have been identified to cause lag and will be dealt with accordingly.
  14. Brian Bell

    Accepted Rework FOB's

    Suggestion Accepted Hi vladislav, Your suggestion has been accepted. The strength of fobs has been noticed as an underwhelming feature since the update and this implementation will improve that.
  15. Brian Bell

    Accepted Offshore battery

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Duckie, Your suggestion has been accepted. This suggestion was well accepted within the team and will be planned for implementation maybe under a different name to account for other maps which are unrealistically far form a shoreline
  16. Brian Bell

    Accepted [MRP] FearRP suggestion

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Connor, Your suggestion has been accepted. This will be implemented at a later date along with other changes however we will be keeping one on one kidnaps but balancing it with these changes.
  17. Brian Bell

    Denied test

    Denied Hi Cloak, We Appreciate your interest in unlocking this thread however due to the large quantity of threads we have opened on the forums we will be moving your back to the locked section. Please feel free to open a thread in our complaints section if you are unhappy with this decision.
  18. Brian Bell

    Accepted AOR Laws

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Parker, Your suggestion has been accepted. Both sets of laws are currently under review and changes may be made where necessary
  19. Brian Bell

    Accepted End war screen

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Onions, Your suggestion has been accepted. This is already in development and will be implemented
  20. Brian Bell

    Accepted Remove the grenade from being first thing equipped in hand when uncuffed and unstripped

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Nathan, Your suggestion has been accepted. This is already in the backlog of developments and will be implemented.