Search results

  1. Brian Bell

    Denied test

    Suggestion Denied Hi Cloak, Your suggestion has been denied. You failed to follow the format and have provided little evidence to support your suggestion. Please fill this out more before making another suggestion
  2. Brian Bell

    Denied Helicopter hacking

    Suggestion Denied Hi Artyom, Your suggestion has been denied. This would do a lot of damage to the current mechanics of helicopter stockpiling and add additional duties to Police regiments which would seem unfair. For these reasons we see this as an unnecessary feature
  3. Brian Bell

    Denied make it so that the server can have vr support

    Suggestion Denied Hi Lewis, Your suggestion has been denied. For the few players this would benefit the development time for this is too high so we will not be implementing it at this time
  4. Brian Bell

    Denied EMP/DDOS attacks addition

    Suggestion Denied Hi Mazuzam, Your suggestion has been denied. This suggestion is majorly unpopular and such we have decided not to implement it
  5. Brian Bell

    Denied Make it so you can kill Vehile gunners

    Suggestion Denied Hi Artyom, Your suggestion has been denied. Please follow the suggestion format, Gunners can be killed by snipers when in open positions. Other than this the damage is fine or the positions would be unusable.
  6. Brian Bell

    Denied Perma weapons to be more clear which team can use it on /donate

    Suggestion Denied Hi Lee, Your suggestion has been denied. As this is the only way to purchase permanent weapons and the text clearly states which side can use them we see no necessity for this to be clarified.
  7. Brian Bell

    Denied FOB as territory Suggestion

    Suggestion Denied Hi MadOlive, Your suggestion has been denied. Due to the flexibility with where FOBs can be placed and the difficulty in knowing if someone is within an FOB radius we have decided this suggestions would lead to more frustration than it's worth. If someone is actively...
  8. Brian Bell

    Denied Beanbag Shotgun suggestion

    Suggestion Denied Hi zapso, Your suggestion has been denied. The beanbag shotgun is designed for long range disabling and reducing this effect would be counter intuitive, instead we have clarified in the rules that it cannot be used in combat which should balance it out.
  9. Brian Bell

    Denied ER Missions

    Suggestion Denied Hi Mazuma, Your suggestion has been denied. Similar work is currently in progress for peacetime activity
  10. Brian Bell

    Denied Make it so reg command can do /voiceampme even when there is SC / AC on

    Suggestion Denied Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been denied. High command should be either assisting with voiceamp or leading themselves when online, in the small periods they are not available a sit should be fine for now to prevent too many people using voiceamp.
  11. Brian Bell

    Denied [MRP] Bring back #Memes channel

    Suggestion Denied Hi Connor, Your suggestion has been denied. This has been removed by NL and until the community has been re-evaluated to deal with the possible issues the channel will not be reinstated
  12. Brian Bell

    Accepted No bombs for prisoners

    Suggestion Accepted Hi olijon, Your suggestion has been accepted. This is a bug rather than a suggestion and should be reported in the appropriate channel. For now it has been added as a fix for our devs
  13. Brian Bell

    Accepted Rally point rule

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Smexy, Your suggestion has been accepted. Rather than implementing this as a rule we will be forcing it as a mechanic and preventing placement in bases
  14. Brian Bell

    Accepted Remove Perma Gun Timer

    Suggestion Accepted Hi MazuzaM, Your suggestion has been accepted. Rather than removing the timer we will be reducing it to 120 seconds
  15. Brian Bell

    Accepted fob rule change

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Tony, Your suggestion has been accepted. Sorry this was delayed. This has been added to the rules.
  16. Brian Bell

    Enzo's Trial Moderator Application

    +Support Thanks for our discussion this morning Enzo, after a short conversation about rules and a little chatting I have decided to support your application. + Good V time + Reasonable rule knowledge + Nice Guy + Low warnings + Previous staffing experience Best of luck!
  17. Brian Bell

    Is Jack G a good boy?

    Jack G is definitely a good boy (woof woof)
  18. Brian Bell

    Accepted Vehicle Repair Stations

    Suggestion Accepted Hi stefan, Your suggestion has been accepted. repair stations will be added to both bases and locations decided based on best balance.
  19. Brian Bell

    Accepted squad suggestion

    Suggestion Accepted Hi roach3, Your suggestion has been accepted. we will look into adding this similarly to normal markers on the f4 map
  20. Brian Bell

    Accepted [MRP] Tactical Tablet Suggestion

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Connor, Your suggestion has been accepted. More features on the tac tablet would be interesting and will be looked into.