Search results

  1. Brian Bell

    Accepted Drone QoL Update

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Vampuffin, Your suggestion has been accepted. The radar feature has been accepted as an interesting drone feature however implemented in a slightly different way.
  2. Brian Bell

    Accepted Attachment selling

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Shaun, Your suggestion has been accepted. This will be implemented but in a slightly different way to prevent over complicating weapons dealers.
  3. Brian Bell

    Accepted Slight CC Servers Location change

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been accepted. The CC sever is much more difficult to hack and will be moved in both bases to make a slightly more defensible location
  4. Brian Bell

    Accepted Squad invite change

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been accepted. This provides good QOL and will be implemented
  5. Brian Bell

    Accepted Eastern Resisantce Guns and Kits

    Suggestion Accepted Hi kermnation, Your suggestion has been accepted. This provides some good variety to ER and will be implemented
  6. Brian Bell

    Accepted Change M14 to BTR-80A

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Fexxy, Your suggestion has been accepted. The M14 has proven to have more underlying issues than initially thought and can be replaced with the BTR 80A with some balancing changes
  7. Brian Bell

    Accepted Remove the wind noice

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Danny G, Your suggestion has been accepted. We will be looking into removing this feature as it causes issues especially with event maps
  8. Brian Bell

    Denied player count for the sever in discord

    Suggestion Denied Hi alias, Your suggestion has been denied. Firstly, please follow the suggestion format. Secondly, this is available in other features as commented and is not needed.
  9. Brian Bell

    Denied Transparency Fridays

    Suggestion Denied Hi vampuffin, Your suggestion has been denied. The github and the changelogs provide a lot of transparency for what is being worked on and more is not necessary.
  10. Brian Bell

    Denied Prone

    Suggestion Denied Hi MazuzaM, Your suggestion has been denied. This would cause too many hitbox issues and likely lead to a lot of bugs, for this reason will not be implemented
  11. Brian Bell

    Denied Weapon wobble

    Suggestion Denied Hi Mate, Your suggestion has been denied. The weapon wobble has added more versatility in the effective ranges of the weapons and has given more opportunity for regiments to "play to their strengths" and will not be reverted.
  12. Brian Bell

    Denied Squads Addition

    Suggestion Denied Hi MazuzaM, Your suggestion has been denied. We believe this feature would be minimally used and can be easily achieved in other ways.
  13. Brian Bell

    Denied Restock helis on bugged stingers

    Suggestion Denied Hi Kamil, Your suggestion has been denied. Stingers are currently being worked on to fix issues such as this and will mean this is unnecessary.
  14. Brian Bell

    Denied New Gadget for Infantry regiments

    Suggestion Denied Hi Zapso, Your suggestion has been denied. This would be seen as a much more powerful feature than other regiments have and would cause imbalance and has therefor been denied.
  15. Brian Bell

    Denied NEW SPY SKIN

    Suggestion Denied Hi m0ka, Your suggestion has been denied. This change is seen as un-needed and provides little to now improvement to the server currently.
  16. Brian Bell

    Denied Eastern Resistance IED Drone

    Suggestion Denied Hi MazuzaM, Your suggestion has been denied. We feel this adds too much power to ER which is already a very popular faction and would lead to a lot of imbalance. For this reason the suggestion has been denied.
  17. Brian Bell

    Denied Give Physics gun and let AOR SCO+ Spawn Props

    Suggestion Denied Hi Fexxy, Your suggestion has been denied. We believe the current rank restricts the access to people who are well trusted and would not be inclined to drop this at the moment
  18. Brian Bell

    Denied K9 unit

    Suggestion Denied Hi Drako, Your suggestion has been denied. This is seen to be an un-needed feature and has potential to cause issues. For this reason it is being denied
  19. Brian Bell

    Denied NATO AND USSR - please bring it back

    Suggestion Denied Hi Lewis, Your suggestion has been denied. This change was made for multiple reasons and we currently see no reason to switch back. The issues you have described have not been raised by other parties and are not deemed an issue.
  20. Brian Bell

    Accepted New Helicopter thing we should have!

    Suggestion Accepted Hi zapso, Your suggestion has been accepted. We have decided to try and configure helicopters to work the same as vehicles which will mean they are regimentally owned and can be opened as such and wont despawn when you disconnect