Search results

  1. Brian Bell

    Accepted Remove Pole

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Remove/ move this pole from the NWO base: (Located infront of the garage in NWO base Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Makes using supply helis and drones easier as the radius of the supply depot requires you to be low enough to hit...
  2. Brian Bell


    Hi Zapso, as a member of SC though not a member of STS regimental command I'd like to weigh in from a 3rd party. As I used to be STS colonel when the naming scheme was introduced, the scheme is strictly "Capital" cities and has meant that multiple people have had names rejected including...
  3. Brian Bell

    Denied Add orbital strike

    + support I wanna fire a lazer
  4. Brian Bell

    Zokof/Seoul's SC application

    + Support + Mature and plenty of experience + Knowledge of rules and teaches others + very active
  5. Brian Bell

    Edinburgh SC application

    + Support Never should have been demoted in the first place. Good rule knowledge (enough to make jokes about it) highly active
  6. Brian Bell

    Brian Bell Supreme Council Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:4548363 Discord name: Altair#8520 For how long have you played on MRP: A long long time... (roughly 10 weeks in game time, 1680 Hours) Age: 22 In what country are you located?: United Kingdom Time zone: GMT UAN name (regiment and rank): PVT Elder Altair NWO name (regiment...
  7. Brian Bell

    Dimitri parkov's UHC Application

    + Support I'm Going to Preface this with a statement regarding the other responses this application has recieved, There's a lot of big softies sitting there saying "He's mean to me". I'm his COL and he still tells me to go fuck myself, this isn't always a negative though. He's got the Stone...
  8. Brian Bell

    Ganilha's Moderator Application

    Neutral + Few interactions as one of my regiment's members, Good attitude and friendly + Active, seen most days if not all. + Previoud experience as a staff member = No rule based discussions had, unsure of rule knowledge (Come chat to me and i'll update this) + Conversation had and fair rule...
  9. Brian Bell

    Brian Bell Resignation Appeal

    Thanks for the reply, If you'd like to check my rule knowledge I'd be more than happy to confirm with a chat in teamspeak. I try to keep myself up to date with the "known" rules which aren't written and should be pretty perfect with everything that is written. Of course I acknowledge the - for a...
  10. Brian Bell

    Brian Bell Resignation Appeal

    Name: Brian Bell Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:4548363 Previous Rank (convert if required): Senior Moderator Who demoted you?: Resigned Date of demotion?: 06/12/2021 What is the case against you?: Resigned Is this true?: No Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No Have you ever been...
  11. Brian Bell

    Astolfo's USSR High Command Application

    + support +Long standing member and known well
  12. Brian Bell

    Dr.Nikita Dorashov UHC Application

    +Support +Good lad, maybe the first active high command?
  13. Brian Bell

    Sins's Demotion appeal 2

    +support +friendly +active ingame and on ts +high current experience on server Unsure on current rule knowledge -demoted for inactivity
  14. Brian Bell

    sahns demotion appeal

    +support + genuine care for the server +warnings on light ground, no intention to harm server health +friendly Outdated/lacking rule knowledge - previous issue with meeting requirements
  15. Brian Bell

    Dmitri's Demotion Appeal No. 4

    + support Writing a little preface paragraph as i have a lot of interactions with you almost on a daily basis now. Dmitri has matured hugely since ive interacted with him in high command and even though he may have warns in somewhat recent time each situation has either been a misunderstanding...
  16. Brian Bell

    Nikita moderator application

    +Support +Good activity +Friendly +no warnings Unsure of rule knowledge -no previous experience
  17. Brian Bell

    Jev's moderator application

    Neutral + good amount of experience on our server Unsure of rule knowledge Few interactions with you - no previous staffing experience
  18. Brian Bell

    Shadow-Wrath 2nd Staff Application

    + Support + Friendly from interactions + Good activity + High playtime Unsure of rule knowledge
  19. Brian Bell

    at1uh29's moderator application

    - Support - Low offering for playtime - No knowledge of warnings - Never seen in game
  20. Brian Bell

    Bright's Second Application

    Neutral + Friendly from previous interactions Unsure of rule knowledge - Relativley low time on the server - lots of roleplay experience, not much staffing mentioned