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  1. rJeff

    Wipe the economy in the next update and nerf banks

    Gotta agree, suggesting to remove the bank system entirely from the server was not a good idea. However, they really should make it hard for people to actually own one of those by for example increasing the minimum amount of money to commence it.
  2. rJeff

    Wipe the economy in the next update and nerf banks

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Completely resets the economy and disallows players to easily create bank businesses in /business (for example increase the minimum amount of money to start it). Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I...
  3. rJeff


  4. rJeff

    Denied Give mechanical officer non-lethal weapons.

    +Support I've been spamming and pinging Coolioo to add this and even made a suggestion about it (which tehnically got accepted but not really) and it makes no sense for Mechanicals not to have stun guns aka tazers or even better, Tranq gun.
  5. rJeff

    Denied Free Private Military

    -Support All it needs is an armor and weapon buff just like before. If you want to play this job without meeting the requirements just play Security Guard.
  6. rJeff

    Denied Give a MISC tree good skill

    The suggestion has been changed and I advise you to edit your opinions please.
  7. rJeff

    Denied Give a MISC tree good skill

    First of all, yes people will play citizens as they're MISC and receive purchased HP, regen and armor. Secondly I am not aware of drama with bulk skill but MISC skill tree desperately needs an improvement and first thing that I could think of was this.
  8. rJeff

    Denied Give a MISC tree good skill

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Replaces "Cooking" or "Scavenging" skill with some other useful skill Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): - More use and an advantage in MISC tree - More people playing as Citizen, Gun dealers, Bounty hunters and etc - Increases...
  9. rJeff

    Denied Golden org deagles

    These Deagles were a part of M9K gun pack, I really doubt it is possible to bring them back
  10. rJeff

    Denied More Restore Armour Ammounts

    +Support Why not.
  11. rJeff

    Accepted Justice for Mechanical Officer and Police Corporal!

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Gives Mechanical Officer a stun (or maybe other very useful tool but stun gun is still a better choice) and Police Corporal a good amount of HP & armor with a decent weapon/rifle Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): - Would increase...
  12. rJeff

    Denied Remove the meth cook noise as a reason to raid

    -Support Absolutely not. Chemists make a good amount of money and has to come with a risk, this rule has been a thing since Dark RP first launched and should not change.
  13. rJeff

    Denied Job / Addon Suggestions

    Lmao, it is easy to ask for new things. No one would be a fan of playing with 15 fps at average. They need to optimize the server properly before adding new addons
  14. rJeff

    Accepted Window in-between PD Reception/Office doesn't let VC through

    Oh, that thing is extremely annoying. +Support
  15. rJeff

    Denied Job / Addon Suggestions

    Players complain 24/7 about lag and high pings and adding these addons wouldn't exactly do much of a favour to them. The only logical thing to do rn is to replace weed addon with a better one that CC had.
  16. rJeff


    Not long ago they approved my suggestion to restrict chemists to only using pistols, idk what's the point of having them making less money if they'll have a harder time defending themselves in raids anyway ?‍♂️
  17. rJeff

    Denied Make it so chemists can't run around with weapons and participate in gang fights

    Just let them have handguns and problem is solved, as I really doubt someone would become a chemist to participate in territory wars after that.
  18. rJeff

    Denied Chemist / Advanced Chemist Limit

    I think one of the main issues is their ability to use all kinds of weapons, which should be reverted to pistols like before (I made a suggestion about it).
  19. rJeff

    Accepted Bring back the rule of chemists using only pistols like before

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Limits advanced and regular chemists to only using handguns and increase the sounds of making meth Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I think Jason did today, but it's very different Possible...