Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:543788795
Discord name: Dpt. Manager Johnathan | JohnDoe4520
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Closing in on 2 years
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Johnathan Doe | Nikoli Pekovich
Civilian name: Johnboy Doe
Appeal Accepted
Hi @Pepsi
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
After reviewing some things, due to only having one warn before this and the circumstances pertaining to this ban & warn I will be giving you a chance. This being said, you need to be extremely cautious in the...
Appeal Denied
Hi @Linus Tech Tips
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
I see you here every time your ban is up and it is always the same, you don't have any information pertaining to the ban but when reviewed it's very clear. To have reached Stacked Class X and Stacked Bans X...
Appeal Accepted
Hi @Marcellus Wallace
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
It seems their has been a mistake somewhere down the line, I apologize on behalf of the staff team. You have been unbanned and the warnings/bans have been removed from your record. Thank you and enjoy...
Appeal Accepted
Hi @CalKestus
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
Erotic Roleplay is a broad net, we don't want you discussing genitals in RP or out of RP. You shouldn't be mentioning anything inappropriate in this manner in or out of character. This includes but isn't limited...
Appeal Denied
Hi @TonyRigatoni
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
Learn our rules and expectations, the things you are saying aren't permitted on Civil Networks.
Appeal Accepted
Hi @Jantunen
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
Remember when you are 912, just because you are given an order, if that order breaks server rules you do not have to do it. I understand you "believed" it to be a controlled scenario but in your words he was...
Appeal Denied
Hi @Walksy
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
After reviewing your requests, you have admitted to farming, you have admitted to RDM and for your honesty it is appreciated. This being said you are now on stacked bans which is a little difficult to acquire without...
Please discontinue discussions about the above. If this situation is accurate report it to SL. Further discussion on the topic will lead to warns. Post your -Supports/+Supports in good faith
Thank you
~Johnathan Doe
Appeal Denied
Hi @Scott Anderson
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
Being a new player isn't an excuse to ignore our server rules. Though you may not have read them and was unaware that saying what you said wasn't allowed (which isn't allowed almost anywhere) it doesn't...
Appeal Accepted
Hi @Unfunny
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
Sorry for the delayed response to your ban appeal. Your ban timer has expired, in the future I recommend trying to get in contact with staff after any type of crash to prevent bans. Again sorry for the delay enjoy...
Appeal Denied
Hi @Gebers
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
Your ban was more than just LTAP/LTARP, it also involved ERP and NITRP. Minutes before hand you also was warned for FearRP and RDM. I do hope that if you intend on coming back to the server you can be a productive...
Appeal Accepted
Hi @Subby
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
After reviewing this ban, it seems as if your ban should have been XP Farming [A] | Stacked Bans [C]. As such I will be lowering your ban to 1 week to match this.
Appeal Denied
Hi @v03gutt
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
I have reviewed all information provided in this post, and will say what you chose to say in game doesn't belong in this community. If you have personal beliefs about the situation that's your right but on Civil...
Appeal Accepted
Hi @Unkown0000
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
I will take in to account that you are a new player and have some time served on this ban. In the future I recommend reading our rules and understanding the RP expectations before playing. I will be lifting...
Appeal Denied
Hi @Laqota ,
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
I was made aware of this situation before the ban was issued, this is surely not what we expect from our community members and I hope you improve coming back from the ban, but I will not be reducing or lifting this...
Appeal Denied
Hi @Gebers
Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.
I have reviewed the information you have provided as well as a clip from the admin who issued the ban. After reviewing the information pertaining to the ban I do see this ban to be valid. I will say at no point was...
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