Your Discord name & tag: .okyes
What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: MRP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 658599390277009419
Date of ban (if known): 03/04
Reason for ban (if known): sent the video of "i wanna be ur vacuum cleaner" in like memes or one of...
Your Discord name & tag: Jackson Steenberg/okyes
What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: MRP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): .okyes
Date of ban (if known): 03/04/2024
Reason for ban (if known): posted the i wanna be ur vacuum cleaner doofy face video
basicly what everyone else has said and on the previous apps.
also the being bad at flying isnt really a relivent weakness and seems more like a filler.
Also you say on your strengths is alright war leading but then on your weaknesses its that your not the best at leading war?
If AOR/RMP wanted new models they would have to fix that themself mainly and the PC model is basic
+support on the hersh model tho
would fit bc guy is like 42
gives people a good reason to play as a engineer.
also to what @drako dormus said, CC gets a better gun, gets advanced field kit, gets the ability to place fobs, charing the binos is more
although i think it would be better to maybe just let HQ's have that ability because its already a high priority for the enemy to destroy and also i think the extra cap rate should also depend of the numbers, like so a high number faction side could not just have a x3 cap rate vehicle...
It could get rmp and aor to be more enthusiastic to do their job but also. Although rewarding rmp/aor to do their minimum of their job would be unfair because then all regiments could argue that they should also get rewarded for example, SAS/STS to get XP everytime they do base...
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