Search results

  1. "Toomas"

    Denied No more "Red Ping", be more aware (Sniper Mark Change)

    -Support As someone who plays snipers i dont see an issue in the red pings. Just shoot them before they can shoot you (kinda obvious)
  2. "Toomas"

    Toomas' SC Application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:527087754 Discord name: eksootilinepost For how long have you played on MRP: Bit over a month. 1w 18h according to vtime_menu. Age: 17 In what country are you located?: Estonia Time zone: GMT +2 NATO name (regiment and...
  3. "Toomas"

    Accepted Lower the vehicle damage of the ISAF/IVG 'Milkor MK1'

    +Support That is a straight up lie made up by an ISAF main. Happened more then once. Anti-Infantry weapons should not be able to solo kill MBTs and do more damage in a second then tanks.
  4. "Toomas"

    Denied Internal Affairs rename
