Search results

  1. Fat Chef

    Fallen_Hex's application

    Neutral - Previous Experience - Unsure about your activity In-Game and in TS3 - No RP interactions with you yet - Couple of warnings I'll keep an eye out for you whenever I'm In-Game/TS3 and I'll try to get some RP interactions with you if I can. Feel free to poke me on TS3 if you see me...
  2. Fat Chef

    Tom Higgs's Moderator Application

    + Support - Active In-Game and in TS3 - Good RP interactions - Mature and friendly - No previous warnings Best of luck.
  3. Fat Chef

    Dor's 3rd SCP Staff App

    + Support - Active In-Game and in TS3 - Good RP - Many positive interactions - Mature and friendly Best of luck.
  4. Fat Chef

    James Wilson's SCP-RP Moderator Application

    Neutral - Well Made Application - Unsure about activity In-Game and on TS3 - No interactions in RP I'll happily change my verdict if I start seeing you In-Game / TS3 and manage to get some positive interactions with you in RP. Best of luck.
  5. Fat Chef

    BOB2 Staff Application

    - Support - Never seen In-Game or on TS3 - Weak Application - Concerning history on the network
  6. Fat Chef

    Deltah's staff app

    - Support - Active In-game - Unsure about activity in TS3 - Barely any interactions in RP - Multiple Warnings - Weak Application - Poor Rule Knowledge
  7. Fat Chef

    Sebastiian - SCP RP moderator application

    Neutral - I've only really seen you once in-game - No interactions with you - Very recent warnings I've decided to give you this verdict given I really haven't seen you around in-game and haven't had any interactions with you whatsoever. If your activity improves I may change my verdict...
  8. Fat Chef

    William Affton App V2.0

    +Support - Fairly Active - Good RP - Mature - Few Interactions Best of luck.
  9. Fat Chef

    CyberGman Mod Application

    + Support - Active In-Game and in TS3 - Well-Written Application - Good RP - Many positive interactions I've had many good interactions with you in-game. You've displayed both good RP and maturity from what I've seen and I never had any issues with you. Best of luck.
  10. Fat Chef

    SCP-RP Moderator Application | Hunter McDade

    Neutral - Nice Application - Previous Experience - Haven't seen you around In-game or on TS3 - No interactions with you Best of luck.
  11. Fat Chef

    SCP-RP Moderator Application TallPanda

    + Support - Active In-game & TS3 - Friendly & Mature - Good Rule Knowledge - Many positive interactions I've had nothing but good interactions with you in-game. I've decided to leave this verdict mainly due to your activity, display of maturity and great quality of RP during our interactions...
  12. Fat Chef

    SCP-RP Moderator Application Potato

    Neutral leaning to +Support - Active In-Game - Nice Application - Unsure about your activity in TS3 - I've barely had any interactions with you I'll be more than happy change my verdict if I manage to get a positive interaction with you. Best of luck.
  13. Fat Chef


    - Support - Active In-Game - I've barely had any interactions with you - Unsure about your activity in TS3 - Poor Rule Knowledge - Recent warnings - Weak Application Best of luck.
  14. Fat Chef

    Coolfrae's SCP-RP Mod App

    +Support Active Good Rule Knowledge Mature Previous Staff Experience Good Luck
  15. Fat Chef

    Fat Chef's SCP-RP Moderator Application

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): -=[47R]=- Uncle P. For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: One week Age: 20 In what country are you located?: Ireland Time zone: GMT Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Fat Chef Chaos name (include your...