Denied Epsilon-11 needs something

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Dec 25, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Epsilon-11 needs literally anything. I'll explain why in the last question. Even adding just one of the following ideas is a win:

1. An Epsilon-11 Medic.
In return, one of Epsilon-11s other jobs can be removed such as Breacher or Containment Specialist (Maybe just give all E-11 beams instead, which makes sense). You can also make server-based rules that E-11 must follow when using this job in order to make it balanced and not make Combat Medics redundant, such as not using the Medical equipment to combat raids, or be not allowed to do things like cure disease or anything.

2. A Unique mechanic/tool
In the past, Cloak was going to create a system where SCP cells could decay and E-11 would have to be the ones to repair it using special tools and such every 30 minutes. However, this idea seems to have been scrapped since Cloak left. If this could be brought back, or we receive some special tool (Like how DEA/B1 got Drones unique to them) to help with SCPs, that'd be a great benefit.

3. New models
Every other job in the server has gotten new, shiny models that are of good quality. Epsilon-11 switched to these very old, edited models which still have floating patches on them and low resolution textures. A couple model suggestions were given in the past, but always get denied. Hotson, the old commander, even had custom ones made for us. However, these were also denied (but still exist).

4. A unique, helpful specialty job
In the event that Epsilon-11 can't ever get Medics, giving E-11 atleast some sort of job unique to them would be great. Currently E-11 has no job unique to them. Anyone can get containment beams, anyone can get a biohazard suit, and every other department in the server has their own version of the breacher. However, we have nothing unique anymore.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
A mix of all of these things have been suggested before in the distant past. My suggestion is different because I'm detailing all of the different options, even if just one could be accepted.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+E-11 becomes more appealing and active on both servers

+SCPs get more roleplay as a result of better activity or whatever mechanics may be given to E-11, rather than sitting in a cell all day.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-File size. Some of these suggestions require heavier files to be put into the server, such as new models.

-Development Time

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, Epsilon-11 is the only department in the entire server that has nothing specifically unique to just it. Nu-7 has Snipers, Medics, Autoriflemen, and a Specialist. DEA gets heavy weapons and drones. Research gets thaumatologists, Security gets Tranq pistols and riot shields, O-1/A-1 gets disguise kits and very high authority everywhere, GOC gets airstrikes, supply drops, and an orange suit. E-11 gets nothing. Like I said before, anyone can get a biohazard suit, anyone can get a containment beam, and everyone has their own breacher.

E-11 is also the least updated department in the entire server. E-11s models are the only ones which have remained unchanged since before the USA server came to even exist. E-11 have not gotten any new jobs, mechanics, or anything besides the new HCZ (which was more for everybody than E-11). All E-11 gets is the occasional gun change. O-1/A-1 have at least gotten new models since then and still are both fun departments with their current kits since they can do nearly anything, Nu-7 has gotten brand new models and a bunch of different jobs, Research and D-Class got thaumatologists, Security got an entire rework, etc.

Finally, E-11s job can be done by quite literally anybody else but better. Security's SCU Job is just an extremely buffed up, non-whitelisted version of E-11s containment specialist and is better in nearly every way. Anyone and everyone in the server can run into HCZ and gun down breached SCPs. So, not even E-11s main purpose of existence is unique to them. Whenever an SCP breaches, literally everybody does what E-11 is doing, even Internal Affairs and DEA who should have nothing to do with containment. But nobody can stop them, and they just do it anyways even if someone tells them no. If E-11 was removed right now, the server would effectively be no different than it currently is. E-11 has been like this for a long time and has to solely rely on making their own roleplay to exist with such a lack of tools to do so. Please give E-11 something.

TLDR; E-11 has nothing unique to it when every other department does, everybody does E-11s job even DEA/IA but with better equipment, and E-11 has not been updated (not even model wise) beyond some gun changes in over a year while atleast every other department has nice custom models.
I feel a need to comment on this as I am both the E-11 Commander on the UK side and have been in E-11 for 10 soon to be 11 months. E-11s kit is very strong for what it deals with and is great at dealing with breaches. but I will add my thoughts to your points. Keep in mind as well this is criticism not for the sake of being mean but to genuinely to make the server better.

1) This takes anything useful away from CM. As on UK we have an agreement where CM can go and assist in a C5 without permission from E-11 I would suggest you speak to your COs on the US to organise something similar.

2) That system is to my understanding is still being worked on but it is not the dev teams most pressing issue at the moment.

3) The models are fine and not a priority Nu-7 Needed new models badly but E-11 are fine if you want more individuality I could suggest pac3

4) The biohazard suit is both better than the dispenser one and not one you have a cooldown on.

Dont get me wrong I do want E-11 to succeed on both servers but imo the main thing holding back US E-11 is policy. If the right changes are made they can succeed. Ik these points have most likely already been covered but thought my two cents in and also want to make it clear if the US CO team want any assistance the UK CO team will help.
I'm just an enlisted in USA E11, I make these suggestions based on what I see here. The USA E11 is the least successful branch in the server because all we do is sit at a checkpoint all day.
Literally a US issue. If you don't like it, contact your CO team to change it. The UK are allowed to patrol HCZ and LCZ during downtime, which makes E-11 more appealing here.
I don't really need the UK COs opinions to post a suggestion that's just generalized.
Not needing a UK E-11s opinion is pretty biased. NGL. As the Niox said, it's our regiment as well. Like Jonas said, it's E-11 policy. Our servers are much different to one another, so it's a skill issue on the US side. And with what Emilia said, US E-11 is not the only E-11.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

Just going to weigh in here after reading your suggestion.
1. An Epsilon-11 Medic.
In return, one of Epsilon-11s other jobs can be removed such as Breacher or Containment Specialist (Maybe just give all E-11 beams instead, which makes sense). You can also make server-based rules that E-11 must follow when using this job in order to make it balanced and not make Combat Medics redundant, such as not using the Medical equipment to combat raids, or be not allowed to do things like cure disease or anything.

This is not appropriate to give E-11, they should be utilising the onsite support which is combat medics, we should not need to make a job and then add rules which will inevitably be broken and give staff more work, for a role that exist in the server just with another department.
We should not be giving roles simply because people cannot be bothered to work together, furthermore you can get the medical supplies you need from a dispenser when you are not able to get immediately full healed.

2. A Unique mechanic/tool
In the past, Cloak was going to create a system where SCP cells could decay and E-11 would have to be the ones to repair it using special tools and such every 30 minutes. However, this idea seems to have been scrapped since Cloak left. If this could be brought back, or we receive some special tool (Like how DEA/B1 got Drones unique to them) to help with SCPs, that'd be a great benefit.

SCP Containment Maintenance is on the back burner at the moment due to other projects that require our attention and also it requires devs to want to take on the project, it hasn't been scrapped, but just placed on the back burner.

3. New models
Every other job in the server has gotten new, shiny models that are of good quality. Epsilon-11 switched to these very old, edited models which still have floating patches on them and low resolution textures. A couple model suggestions were given in the past, but always get denied. Hotson, the old commander, even had custom ones made for us. However, these were also denied (but still exist).

I dont mind looking into this, but you got models after commissioning someone to do these last time, which are the ones in the server currently, however to further this, you have not provided anything for content to look at, which is not the purpose of suggestions you cannot just make a suggestion then go "you find us a model", you need to make sure you actually provide us something, I do not think it is fair at all to push my teams to go through limited models and go "find a new model the community will like" and then if E-11 dont like it you will just make another suggestion.

To further add, every time we change a playermodel we are always hit with the same reasons you just provided "but everyone else got shiny models, where are ours?!" in every other regiment who then wants new playermodels.

Finaly if you want to consider new playermodels you need to first consider the following;

1. Size of the packs (we will likely have to reduce the quality of the texture for packs that are very high)
2. Do they fit the theme / lore?
3. What jobs will they replace and if they have body groups, what bodygroups will go on what to distinguish the difference between the models

And when you come to ask for models, we dont change models on the basis of "oh because we havnt had an update in a while", it comes on a basis of necesity of if the reasons you provide and the models provided meet a good standard.

4. A unique, helpful specialty job
In the event that Epsilon-11 can't ever get Medics, giving E-11 atleast some sort of job unique to them would be great. Currently E-11 has no job unique to them. Anyone can get containment beams, anyone can get a biohazard suit, and every other department in the server has their own version of the breacher. However, we have nothing unique anymore.

So a few things to note here;

1. You have neglected to provide us anything of context here, other than "give e-11 a special job", this tells the content team nothing and unfortunately we aren't going to do the thinking for you on your own suggestion.

2. "anyone can get a biohazard suit" - Yes that's correct, but E-11 bios have greater protection and can at least wear armor unlike their other counterparts in their suits, furthermore what is the obsession of "uniqueness" we have given E-11 quite a bit, and yet it never seems enough, E-11 were the first to get a entire area in HCZ to actually man (instead of just a small door area) which we were met with annoyance by E-11, we added extra enterances in to HCZ to provide more E-11 things to guard and patrol, instead they go unpatrolled because people cannot be bothered, they get given a new spawn area, seems to not be enough, then they ask for AA closer, again isnt enough.

We the provide unique mechanics for SCPs such as 008 and the infection system such as cleaning up infectious spots, again, people moan about it.

The USA E11 is the least successful branch in the server because all we do is sit at a checkpoint all day while nothing else happens then we respond to a breach and feel completely useless during it because other jobs with better guns will respond to the breach aswell.
Just saw this comment, E-11 sitting at a checkpoint all day is a them issue if they do not want to move about and talk to people, it is self imposed this action through the lack of patrols or talking to people, furthermore there is nothing stating to my knowledge that E-11 cannot also on down time RP a "break" and walk around the rest of the site, they opt instead to stand on one checkpoint (and keep the door closed on the other because they cant be bothered)

Furthermore from what I see is E-11 make no effort to RP with others and just repeat the same lines of "ID" "ok you can go through" that is it.

If you arent willing to patrol or think of RP for your character, content will not solve this issue of "boredom" as it is a roleplay server where you are expected to roleplay and interact with others.
I don't really need the UK COs opinions to post a suggestion that's just generalized. I didn't mention any specific models. It's a suggestion for a reason. If i actually had a specific idea for that id tell my CO team whod tell yours. This suggestion is just to give general ideas. Also our models are not unique. Other servers have used these exact models, cheddar just slightly touched up on them like 2 years ago.

For #4, some jobs are shared by one other department or so. But nobody else can get Nu7/DEAs sniper, no one else can get A1/O1s spies or IA/DEAs spies. These are things that are locked into those jobs and you need to be one of those jobs to get those things. However E11 has no such thing. Anything E11 has can be obtained by a Security Officer or even Senior Researcher. Biohazard suits, containment beams, reality anchors, etc.

As for E11 being so unappealing specifically in the US server, that might be true. I'm not a CO in the US server and I haven't had a chance to visit the UK server in a long time. But if that is the case, then that's unfortunate for us I guess lol. But still, what I said above believe still applies.
Well its a nice courtesy to discuss with the nearly 80 other people when you are going to propose massive altering gameplay features

As for specific job being shared, yes, but thats cause they are needed for those areas like ISD disguises and SOP snipers, but what does E-11 need? And if you don't have a suggestion you can't just ask for one without a basis to go off.

And its not really unfortunate, it's down to the CO team and their management, if it's unappealing it's the CO team's job to make it appealing, there's no meta issue that affects it
E-11 definitely needs something, they're arguably tasked with the most responsibility and are not equipped well enough to deal with it. I've been E-11 SPC for what? A month now? The fact we don't even get containment beams is ridiculous. The FHR is just a better P90 (which isn't saying a lot since they're both terrible weapons) so its only really good against people. Against SCP's you shouldn't even try. Through experience, it is frustrating to have to deal with CI using one hit weapons, SCP's who kill you before you get the chance to fire your weapon, and that being what you look forward to is very sad. When there isn't a code 1 or 5, you sit at a checkpoint or escort a research party. Not very fun really, and when things do get exciting, you feel powerless. But that is from the enlisted POV, It's a lot more manageable passed that from what i've heard from other E-11. Also regarding the breacher... 1: Why do we have that job? 2: The shotgun is again, from what I''ve heard, trash, like actually unusable trash.

I love the idea about E-11 getting a maintenance role and fixing CC's slowly being thrown into disarray, it gives us another thing to occupy us and gives an incentive to people on SCP's to stay on SCP's while contained. At the moment, only time people flag on SCP's is to breach because CI or a D-Class told them to flag on. A few flag on for researching but flag off soon after, there's no motivating reason for people to sit on an SCP and RP while in a cell.

I still want that LCZ spawn for E-11 to become a thing.. the one across from Nu7 bunks? When a massive breach makes it to LCZ, having the worst spawn in the game is not enjoyable. It takes us 2-3 minutes to run to the slow ass elevator just for us to get up to LCZ and die in one hit to 8837's crush, TG's freedom, Able running our fade, etc.
No way you called FHR bad bru

- Support unneeded!
Jan 10, 2023
+support (not the medic)
The E-11 gameplay loop is just boring, you sit at checkpoint escort a few tests maybe do a training. Then you die a dozen times to scps with 2000x your health and repeat, this might make it a little less boring.
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The E-11 gameplay loop is just boring, you sit at checkpoint escort a few tests maybe do a training. Then you die a dozen times to scps with 2000x your health and repeat, this might make it a little less boring.
me when US issue:
(please consider it being less of a gameplay loop issue and more of a leadership issue, E11 is popping off on the UK, but on the US it’s seen as very mid)
1) This takes anything useful away from CM. As on UK we have an agreement where CM can go and assist in a C5 without permission from E-11 I would suggest you speak to your COs on the US to organise something similar.
On the USA we dont specifically need permission either infact code 5's are a CM's top priority whenever they get called (unless its just an 096 since u only realistically need 1 or 2 people chasing him)
I don't really need the UK COs opinions to post a suggestion that's just generalized. I didn't mention any specific models. It's a suggestion for a reason. If i actually had a specific idea for that id tell my CO team whod tell yours. This suggestion is just to give general ideas. Also our models are not unique. Other servers have used these exact models, cheddar just slightly touched up on them like 2 years ago.

For #4, some jobs are shared by one other department or so. But nobody else can get Nu7/DEAs sniper, no one else can get A1/O1s spies or IA/DEAs spies. These are things that are locked into those jobs and you need to be one of those jobs to get those things. However E11 has no such thing. Anything E11 has can be obtained by a Security Officer or even Senior Researcher. Biohazard suits, containment beams, reality anchors, etc.

As for E11 being so unappealing specifically in the US server, that might be true. I'm not a CO in the US server and I haven't had a chance to visit the UK server in a long time. But if that is the case, then that's unfortunate for us I guess lol. But still, what I said above believe still applies.
1. A new model is not needed nor a priority, I believe that nobody in E11 (UK) has ever complained about models so not even E11 will +Support the suggestion on models
2. During a SCP breach, you die constantly, that's just how it is SCPs are way stronger than a regular human. The cooldown of 15 minutes between containment beams & reality anchors is important because not even all of E11 themselves have containment beams since, if we did, it's likely that if we were to get to the SCP to let's say 50% BM and beam it all at once, with enough people you would be able to easily recontain a breach.
If you die you will not be able to get that specific item from a dispenser anymore, Containment Specs spawn with that specific gear and simply know how to use it very well.
3. Everything that we have, can be obtained by other jobs but what makes us unique is that we have knowledge that not all other jobs have.
E11, on the UK side, contain SCPs very well because we got specialized tactics on them such as simple coordination on teamspeak and firing lines. We are expected to shut atleast primary BDs and E11, since they spawn in HCZ, will get the SCPs BMs down.

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
+Support of the A Unique mechanic/tool and New models for e11
i guess we could say the current models are bit outdated and they might need an newer model for at least some people and the unique mechanic tool for some more RP for E11 on the site tho im questiong myself what if an Contaiment chamber breaks and no e11 are on site? also looking at Yeke's sight it hasent been scraped soo it ig its fine to go.

-Support for E11 medic and "A unique, helpful specialty job"
The E11 medic is pretty much the same description as you suggestion for unquie job what i mean by that is everybody can also get an field kit so there not much diffrents between getting an medic or fieldkit execpt the medic getting to use !medic (Must understand if you want to fix fractures you also do need an type of medbay somewhere in heavy contaiment zone)
"A unique, helpful specialty job" i do not really understand this if you could explain it an bit more or an idea of an unique and helpful job for e11 edit the suggestion for an idea, also E11 does have an unique job (MTF E11 Biohazard) due them spawning in with the hazmat suit and also having armor. And if the dispeanser break in an 008 breach the e11 biohazard is one of the most importen roles on the server

Overall some of the suggestions are good and some are not anyways i hope this gives out at least an side of my Opinion
The USA E11 is the least successful branch in the server because all we do is sit at a checkpoint all day while nothing else happens then we respond to a breach and feel completely useless during it because other jobs with better guns will respond to the breach aswell.
This is not something to go to the forums about, at the end of the day even if you get all these new fancy things you're suggesting your duties remain the same and the regiment will go inactive again. From what I'm hearing what is really needed is a duty expansion if you are getting bored of being scarecrows all day which you should talk to the COs or Site Admin about.
Dec 25, 2021
This is not something to go to the forums about, at the end of the day even if you get all these new fancy things you're suggesting your duties remain the same and the regiment will go inactive again. From what I'm hearing what is really needed is a duty expansion if you are getting bored of being scarecrows all day which you should talk to the COs or Site Admin about.
i made a suggestion, for the suggestions part of the forum. They are suggestions. For content.

Yes you go to the forums to make suggestions. The lack of success in a regiment is a valid reason to make suggestions. Going to Site Admin to ask for new E11 Models, new mechanics, or a new job is not what you do.
Dec 25, 2021

Just going to weigh in here after reading your suggestion.

This is not appropriate to give E-11, they should be utilising the onsite support which is combat medics, we should not need to make a job and then add rules which will inevitably be broken and give staff more work, for a role that exist in the server just with another department.
We should not be giving roles simply because people cannot be bothered to work together, furthermore you can get the medical supplies you need from a dispenser when you are not able to get immediately full healed.

SCP Containment Maintenance is on the back burner at the moment due to other projects that require our attention and also it requires devs to want to take on the project, it hasn't been scrapped, but just placed on the back burner.

I dont mind looking into this, but you got models after commissioning someone to do these last time, which are the ones in the server currently, however to further this, you have not provided anything for content to look at, which is not the purpose of suggestions you cannot just make a suggestion then go "you find us a model", you need to make sure you actually provide us something, I do not think it is fair at all to push my teams to go through limited models and go "find a new model the community will like" and then if E-11 dont like it you will just make another suggestion.

To further add, every time we change a playermodel we are always hit with the same reasons you just provided "but everyone else got shiny models, where are ours?!" in every other regiment who then wants new playermodels.

Finaly if you want to consider new playermodels you need to first consider the following;

1. Size of the packs (we will likely have to reduce the quality of the texture for packs that are very high)
2. Do they fit the theme / lore?
3. What jobs will they replace and if they have body groups, what bodygroups will go on what to distinguish the difference between the models

And when you come to ask for models, we dont change models on the basis of "oh because we havnt had an update in a while", it comes on a basis of necesity of if the reasons you provide and the models provided meet a good standard.

So a few things to note here;

1. You have neglected to provide us anything of context here, other than "give e-11 a special job", this tells the content team nothing and unfortunately we aren't going to do the thinking for you on your own suggestion.

2. "anyone can get a biohazard suit" - Yes that's correct, but E-11 bios have greater protection and can at least wear armor unlike their other counterparts in their suits, furthermore what is the obsession of "uniqueness" we have given E-11 quite a bit, and yet it never seems enough, E-11 were the first to get a entire area in HCZ to actually man (instead of just a small door area) which we were met with annoyance by E-11, we added extra enterances in to HCZ to provide more E-11 things to guard and patrol, instead they go unpatrolled because people cannot be bothered, they get given a new spawn area, seems to not be enough, then they ask for AA closer, again isnt enough.

We the provide unique mechanics for SCPs such as 008 and the infection system such as cleaning up infectious spots, again, people moan about it.

Just saw this comment, E-11 sitting at a checkpoint all day is a them issue if they do not want to move about and talk to people, it is self imposed this action through the lack of patrols or talking to people, furthermore there is nothing stating to my knowledge that E-11 cannot also on down time RP a "break" and walk around the rest of the site, they opt instead to stand on one checkpoint (and keep the door closed on the other because they cant be bothered)

Furthermore from what I see is E-11 make no effort to RP with others and just repeat the same lines of "ID" "ok you can go through" that is it.

If you arent willing to patrol or think of RP for your character, content will not solve this issue of "boredom" as it is a roleplay server where you are expected to roleplay and interact with others.
For the models, if I find good ones I'll contact both CO teams and talk to them more in depth about it if they wanted new models or not and then make a suggestion here. The purpose of saying we could use new models but not providing specific ones was to get an idea of what everybody else wanted before I made an in depth suggestion specifically for models. And so far it seems mixed. In the future Ill try to organize this better.

For the special job thing, it was more in reference back to the medic or a job that ties into the new SCP Maintenance mechanic that was delayed. But regardless Ive learned a few things in the thread that I didnt know before such as the biohazard job having armor and the idea of E-11 always having beams and stuff which is more useful than I initially believed.

And personally I enjoy the new 008 system, it's awesome and I love 008 breaches. And the extra stuff like the closer AA is cool, its been pretty helpful in the past. And yes I am willing to, and often do, patrol and think of RP to do while on E-11. I usually end up patrolling in HCZ or LCZ, talking to people, and watching tests even if Im not 'required' to. However often times, I still get "ordered" by people to stay at a checkpoint so that's where alot of us stay now. And yes I do recognize this is a leadership issue on USAs behalf. When I made the suggestion I didnt know the UK E-11s state, I only knew what I played. And what I played was a watered down papers please simulator with the occasional breach where I got bodied every 2 minutes because of a complete lack of organization or tactics (which I now recognize). So as a result of that, I made this thread in an attempt to bring more attention to the subject and maybe encourage change. I did this on the forums because I thought it was a content problem. Now that I know it is not, I will try to go down other avenues to improve things as I gain more experience in E-11 again.

Overall as many people have pointed out in this thread 10 times over, I now recognize this isnt a problem with content as much as it is a problem with leadership. So, I apologize for the lack of organization in my thread and lack of ideas, and I'm sorry for making this suggestion in the way I did. This entire thread has been a massive mess because I wanted to bring attention to something without giving more specific ideas, and not knowing everything.

Just going to weigh in here after reading your suggestion.

This is not appropriate to give E-11, they should be utilising the onsite support which is combat medics, we should not need to make a job and then add rules which will inevitably be broken and give staff more work, for a role that exist in the server just with another department.
We should not be giving roles simply because people cannot be bothered to work together, furthermore you can get the medical supplies you need from a dispenser when you are not able to get immediately full healed.

SCP Containment Maintenance is on the back burner at the moment due to other projects that require our attention and also it requires devs to want to take on the project, it hasn't been scrapped, but just placed on the back burner.

I dont mind looking into this, but you got models after commissioning someone to do these last time, which are the ones in the server currently, however to further this, you have not provided anything for content to look at, which is not the purpose of suggestions you cannot just make a suggestion then go "you find us a model", you need to make sure you actually provide us something, I do not think it is fair at all to push my teams to go through limited models and go "find a new model the community will like" and then if E-11 dont like it you will just make another suggestion.

To further add, every time we change a playermodel we are always hit with the same reasons you just provided "but everyone else got shiny models, where are ours?!" in every other regiment who then wants new playermodels.

Finaly if you want to consider new playermodels you need to first consider the following;

1. Size of the packs (we will likely have to reduce the quality of the texture for packs that are very high)
2. Do they fit the theme / lore?
3. What jobs will they replace and if they have body groups, what bodygroups will go on what to distinguish the difference between the models

And when you come to ask for models, we dont change models on the basis of "oh because we havnt had an update in a while", it comes on a basis of necesity of if the reasons you provide and the models provided meet a good standard.

So a few things to note here;

1. You have neglected to provide us anything of context here, other than "give e-11 a special job", this tells the content team nothing and unfortunately we aren't going to do the thinking for you on your own suggestion.

2. "anyone can get a biohazard suit" - Yes that's correct, but E-11 bios have greater protection and can at least wear armor unlike their other counterparts in their suits, furthermore what is the obsession of "uniqueness" we have given E-11 quite a bit, and yet it never seems enough, E-11 were the first to get a entire area in HCZ to actually man (instead of just a small door area) which we were met with annoyance by E-11, we added extra enterances in to HCZ to provide more E-11 things to guard and patrol, instead they go unpatrolled because people cannot be bothered, they get given a new spawn area, seems to not be enough, then they ask for AA closer, again isnt enough.

We the provide unique mechanics for SCPs such as 008 and the infection system such as cleaning up infectious spots, again, people moan about it.

Just saw this comment, E-11 sitting at a checkpoint all day is a them issue if they do not want to move about and talk to people, it is self imposed this action through the lack of patrols or talking to people, furthermore there is nothing stating to my knowledge that E-11 cannot also on down time RP a "break" and walk around the rest of the site, they opt instead to stand on one checkpoint (and keep the door closed on the other because they cant be bothered)

Furthermore from what I see is E-11 make no effort to RP with others and just repeat the same lines of "ID" "ok you can go through" that is it.

If you arent willing to patrol or think of RP for your character, content will not solve this issue of "boredom" as it is a roleplay server where you are expected to roleplay and interact with others.
Most of this I agree with, but I'd like to point out two things:
  • If AA isn't somewhere between E-11 bunks/where E-11 happen to be and the location of the breach, it usually goes completely unused even when authed, because E-11 already spend most of their time during a breach just running halfway across the map. Adding extra journey adds to this frustration, and all it gives you is a weapon that half the time you do no damage with because the SCP insta-kills you. The location of AA in SS bunks makes sense, as you pass it on your way out of your spawn towards LCZ. AA in HCZ is in the middle of nowhere and most of the time it goes unused. I believe Fr3ze has teased a map update to hopefully make this a lot better from the sounds of it. Fixing the secondary spawns would also be super helpful, but I understand you have limited devs working on limited things.
  • Either failed 049 injects don't make a sound and so we don't get the feedback that our biohazard suits are doing anything, or their 049 protection could really do with upping/fixing, because I don't remember ever being hit by 049 and not getting turned first time. I think this is the same with regular hazmat suits. Is there just no hit sound when it does protect you or something?
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