Denied Give ISD Enforcements Extra Armor

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jan 10, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Give A-1 and O-1 Enforcement 20-50 extra armor on spawn. (Totaling 120-150)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
This Suggestion is Similar.
I suggest only adding a small amount of armor to ISD enforcement jobs.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Extra use for Enforcements as the "body-shields" of EC/O5
-Right now most people play on the Specialist ISD jobs just because it is more useful, with grenades, QBZ, and a disguise kit. I think this would make enforcement more used.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Imbalanced against CI. (The amount of armor can be adjusted.)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Visually the ISD enforcement jobs are tanks and I think it would make sense if the armor reflected this. Enforcement jobs are also not used nearly as much as other roles simply because their only utility is a shield, enforcements are supposed to be the main role in charge of protecting CL5 but this is usually not the case because they bring minimal benefit compared to the Specialist job.
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Bluds getting angry over a forums suggestion:skull:

+Support for all heavy weapons classes not just ISD
Bro tbh the other guy seems to be getting heated over it too. I mean, people wanna talk about balancing like this game is balanced, especially with DEA and CI existing.

DEA is a better NU7/e11. Within 3 weeks (2 as senior to get to special 1 week to get approved) you can have a M249, DSR, Disguise kit, sticky grenade, etc, compared to the (if you're lucky) 7 weeks to get half of that in Nu-7 or E-11.

CI has a jugg with total 1k HP/Armor with easy access to PKM, a magic man with 600 HP/Armor who you have to have advanced prep to hope at handling, 2 disguise kits you can shred people using if you're smart, and some of the highest dps/recoil weapons (excluding GOC) and no limit to the amount of them, so if you're not willingly nerfing yourself (as commander) you have the strongest attack force possible, with a base that is impossible to counter raid if you operate with more that 6 people and more than room temp IQ. (Especially since US just locked NU7 to 50 people.)

So overall 50 more armor to like... 8 (if everyone flags on them) people ain't gonna make a massive difference to anything, so if it's added who cares, if not who cares?
Apr 1, 2023
Bro tbh the other guy seems to be getting heated over it too. I mean, people wanna talk about balancing like this game is balanced, especially with DEA and CI existing.

DEA is a better NU7/e11. Within 3 weeks (2 as senior to get to special 1 week to get approved) you can have a M249, DSR, Disguise kit, sticky grenade, etc, compared to the (if you're lucky) 7 weeks to get half of that in Nu-7 or E-11.

CI has a jugg with total 1k HP/Armor with easy access to PKM, a magic man with 600 HP/Armor who you have to have advanced prep to hope at handling, 2 disguise kits you can shred people using if you're smart, and some of the highest dps/recoil weapons (excluding GOC) and no limit to the amount of them, so if you're not willingly nerfing yourself (as commander) you have the strongest attack force possible, with a base that is impossible to counter raid if you operate with more that 6 people and more than room temp IQ. (Especially since US just locked NU7 to 50 people.)

So overall 50 more armor to like... 8 (if everyone flags on them) people ain't gonna make a massive difference to anything, so if it's added who cares, if not who cares?
I see your point, but you also gotta remember the CI/GOC rate compared to Foundation is different. Foundation will always have the numbers, where you will have ISD, CM, GENSEC, E11, Nu7, and DEA responding to their raid. You also need to take that into account, and I think the reason for DEA having the better loadout is due to them mostly operating on the surface, which is the riskiest place. On the surface, there will most likely be more CI than DEA, and there will be TB/Jug on the surface as well. That's why they get the better loadout.
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