No please, a cl4 button that closes all BD's will just nerf "smaller" scps since they cant break BDCould be a keypad in E11 bunks with a CL4 access to shut all BD's in HCZIt would be something they would have (Might make this suggestion) Or giving access to some quarantine doors in LCZ to slow breaches to Medbay/Dblock/PW where core RP does happen.
The truth.Server runs like dogshit so your combative players just can't be bothered. Majority of the player base doesn't wish to roleplay anymore. Wonder why people leaving in droves.
Lets not forget the insta-gib SCPs that vaporise you without a second thought then have to run back (In the lag) to get slapped about again. Thats only if you weren't hit with a power failure and the keypads just fizzle out. Maximum inconvenience.
they probably wont do it, nerfing breaches (and im guessing you mean increase breach timers) will make people drop the server/join USwhy are we not considering a temporary blanket nerf to breaches until we do get improved server performance? stop focusing on the things we can't address and focus on the things we can.
my point still stands that PAC ought to be restricted to Sr. CL4/CL5 and events with how much lag they produce on custom importsIf PACs are a problem (which i can see it happening, lots of times i encounter people using pacs which shows me errors instead of a model), disable them temporarily (this is something i strongly believe they wont do)
wtf r u onmy point still stands that PAC ought to be restricted to Sr. CL4/CL5 and events with how much lag they produce on custom imports
i've never experienced major issues with pac lag, its mostly dupes and this server as a whole, not just pac3im on the drug called realism, you ought to try it
lets you see clearly that PAC is something that ought to be restricted for the servers performance until the new cpu is available
oh yeah tribunals are an exceptionhave you ever taken part in a tribunal?