Accepted Ruling Change (Global Chain of Command, 4.1)

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This change will move "MTF Commissioned Officers" up to be on par with "Agency Managers" (imaged below)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe so? (N/A)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Will allow for MTF COs to "feel senior" in terms of authority on-site.
+ Overall just makes sense, GSD CPT and Exec. Researcher are miles easier to get than MTF LT+

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- None I can think of?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Instead of writing a paragraph, I will list off the differences between the 3 categories mentioned in this post to emphasize my points.

MTF Commissioned Officer:
- Slot limits
- Internally promoted
- Could take weeks or months of effort to achieve
- Classified as "Senior CL4", meaning you can not hold it alongside another Senior position.

Agency Manager:
- Slot limits
- Internally promoted
- Could take weeks or months of effort to achieve
- Classified as "Senior CL4", meaning you can not hold it alongside another Senior position.

Departmental Jr. CL4 (Exec. Researcher, GSD CPT, IA Ambassador, DEA Sp. Agent, Med. Consultant):
- No restrictions on slots (Meaning on a roster, not in-game job slots)
- Forum application for whitelists
- Easier to achieve
- Classified as "Junior CL4", meaning you can hold multiple (or even all) of the positions listed alongside others OR a Senior Position.

MTF Commissioned Officers share more in common with DEA Agency Manager than Departmental Jr. CL4, it would make more sense for them to have the same level of authority within the Chain of Command. This would also allow Site Admin/Site Command to properly respect them as "Senior" positions when it comes to policy changes, as having them be on par with Departmental Jr. CL4 makes it hard to have policies bend around them.
MTF by themselves should be elite unit, they are highly trained operatives and in the global CoC they are already above Security Staff. MTF COs are trusted individuals and with the amount of effort that it takes to even become one & the responsibilities the change just feels right.
COs are entrusted with leading a regiment when their commanders are not on-site, would you trust more a Major or a GSD CPT?
I would say that the overall amount of effort and competency required to become a CO completely outclasses jobs like: GSD CPT, Exec. Researcher etc...
Also, they are Senior positions since they have many more duties rather than for their authority currently.
Suggestion Patrially Approved

Hi Second,

Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion.

SSL have been debating on this, along with getting opinions from RP leadership from US and UK, and while some groups disagreed on some aspects, our consensus is that we will split the "MTF CO" group into MTF CO (LT-CPT) and leave that with the junior CL4, and make MTF CO (Major) and put that with Agency Manager. If anyone has any complaints about this, you can DM me at blackknight95 on Discord.

SCPRP SL team​
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