SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - toastebarksalot

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: toastebarksalot

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:634694900

Discord Username: toastey

Age: 25

What's your current playtime: Roughly 880 hours to date.

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Kylmä Puronkukka (F), Toaste 'Puppy' W. (F), Kylmä 'Koira' P.K. (CI), 'Puppy' Dawg (GOC)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my Third application - the title for the first one is referencing when the forums changed domain and the old one was lost. [2]; [1]

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 2x expired RDM from when I was new to both GMod and the server (~50 hours on steam), 1x old FailRP/NITRP ban for some unfortunate late night shenanigans involving 008 that I self-reported, 1x expired FailRP warning, 1x expired FearRP warning. The image hasn't changed as I haven't received any additional warnings.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-6 hours; variable

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: I have been a staff member in communities in the past but I bear no experience as staff for GMod. I've been staff on things such as FiveM and a few others, but the experience is very minimal.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achieved in-game: I'm rather proud of the projects that I've contributed to as an Exec. Reseacher, which I make and hold to a high standard. Project Rebirth, Project 'Green Reality', and one 50-page project currently in the works are all things that I'm proud of, that I especially always enjoyed seeking out others to include in. All were very roleplay-intensive and I believe I employed a great deal of creativity in each project. I'm no longer a researcher but I still have plans for involvement with that department. I'm rather proud of finally becoming an OSA, as it took quite a few assistant applications.

Why would you like to become a staff member: As stated in my first application, albeit in more words, I'm a very big fan of the community and how the server operates. I think that CN as a whole has positively impacted me and I find enjoyment in spending my time on CN servers. I play daily and contribute to roleplay often, and I enjoy what the staff curate and the experience that is given, and I hope to continue to provide that experience for both new and old players. Each day brings something new, and all interactions I've had with staff have never been from a negative standpoint. I wish to contribute to fostering that kind of environment; I believe I have good knowledge of the rules and what is acceptable versus what is not, and hope that I am able to effectively uphold them if given the opportunity. I was denied previously and given a 4-week cooldown to prove myself, and I've since received no warnings and hopefully done so - I know the rules well and I would enjoy enforcing them and providing a better experience for others.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: At times I've noticed certain flaws in communication between members of SL or on occasion the greater staff team, too; whether it be miscommunication or the lack thereof. I'm not currently a member of the staff team so I find this to be a relatively strange question to ask, but as a player currently I believe there are very few issues and the ones that are present are very minor, and I believe the only method for improving this issue is simply encouraging and establishing easier communication nets, if they do not currently exist.
Mar 24, 2024
After thinking about it for a while I will give you a plus support...
+ Support

My reasoning:
- Good interactions
- Great activity
- Been on the server for a long time
- Showing dedication to joining the staff team with multiple applications
- Friendly

- Spreading around some strange documents in-game
- Moderation experience on other servers/game


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2024
-good RP
-sometimes professional

-is apparently quite disliked
- isn't good at controlling emotions and have had subtle and not subtle outbursts
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Well-known Member
Jul 10, 2024

-Very bad in controll of emotions
-View rules more as suggestions
-Can get very weird

+Decent interactions

Overall, I don't think that you're fit for staff just yet.

-Very bad in controll of emotions
-View rules more as suggestions
-Can get very weird

+Decent interactions

Overall, I don't think that you're fit for staff just yet.
-good RP
-sometimes professional

-is apparently quite disliked
- isn't good at controlling emotions and have had subtle and not subtle outbursts
Neutral +/- support
For the following reasons

+/- unsure on maturity
+/- you are easy to anger from what a few say
+/- no Staff experience

Feel free to reach out if u think this is wrong
Have a great day
Neutral +/- support leaning +support

Struggles to control emotions, if he can prove to me that he is no longer bias towards friends, I will put a +support
I'm very perplexed by the repetition that I'm easy to anger, but thank you all for the feedback regardless.
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