Goodbye from Athena

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Jul 23, 2022
I'm sad to see you go after everything you've done in this community, a lot of others will be sad to see you go too but everyone has to move on at some point right..? I'm glad to have met you Athena as you've helped me a lot through tough times for myself and you've helped a lot of others around you too. i remember the first time you joined the server you was a cadet who was promptly killed by a d-class with a harpoon. and look how far you went from just being that cadet E-11 to O1 to SA to EC then finally o5. it is very sad that your leaving though. thank you for everything and goodbye Athena. may we meet again some day.

It is really unfortunate to see you leave. As someone who saw you from when you were just a E-11, doing great work, then to becoming one of the best ECA's I had seen at that time, to then you becoming a Site Admin and then a Manager, helping me out when I was still dumb, even though I had been there longer, you were always there to give great advice, whether that be for a document or even an application, to even when you had become Ethics, rooting for you as you were honestly one of the smartest people in the server who was also extremly kind

The documents you had made with the tribunal on E-11, helped out a lot. To the trello that we used and all of Site Admin used, through the late night convos and trolling as chef and site admin

Between the RDMs in the Site Admin Offices of me meowing

Between the whole Ethics vs O5 war when we tried killing @Broda Kagen ourselfs

between the whole convo on the train with the site admin team that was on

It really does stink that unfortunately, you were harassed and I am sorry you had to go through that, I wish you and your future well

thought I'd put a few clips that i thought were funny/enjoyed some that were with you and us trolling, some with just Site Admin memories and other trolling between the whole late night group

(not a clip with you, but Iris "Meow" will meow at you again"

(site admin best talks were in these meetings ( @ionboy64)

thats all, honestly wish you best of luck to your future, and have a good one
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