Recent content by Jon dingleshmerg

  1. Jon dingleshmerg

    Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

    I do have a clip, but I believe this discussion is beyond the limitations of the suggestion. I will not answer any more questions that do not relate to the specific post and its suggested changes
  2. Jon dingleshmerg

    Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

    There was a literal staff sit with an A1 today about fearRP and it is not FearRP for 5 combatants to point their gun at a single A1/O1 MTF and tell them to show ID
  3. Jon dingleshmerg

    Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

    That is the ruling of the previous sit made the same day
  4. Jon dingleshmerg

    Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

    This is not a complaint against those in the video. This is a callout that there is a problem with the underlying rules that the people are not safe from those they complain about unless in a staff sit.
  5. Jon dingleshmerg

    Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

    Everything was in roleplay except for the collection of the video footage used with the sit that the A1 who died was accused of failrp (BTW A1/O1/SC do not have to show ID while under FearRp) No rules of the OOC server were broken
  6. Jon dingleshmerg

    Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

    I never brought up 05 or A1 or anyone specifically, but you agree that the idea of preventing people from using clips is fair. This is not a hate post, this is a ethical dilemma that violates peoples basic rights to see an issue, discover all the facts, and state their concerns. I do not have a...
  7. Jon dingleshmerg

    Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: [It changes how video clips used in admin sits to its limitations to only allowed to be seen but not used out of sits] Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: [I do not believe I have seen a similar...
  8. Jon dingleshmerg

    Denied Removal of Nu7 Medic and replace it with combat medics

    I have noticed a few of the commenters have not read the suggestion before commenting. Here is a summary, Combat medics are better medics than Nu7, Combat medics on surface is a rp policy change and this suggestion is not for that reason. Combat medics are fundamentally better in all accounts...
  9. Jon dingleshmerg

    Denied Removal of Nu7 Medic and replace it with combat medics

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove:[Remove & Add] Removal of Nu7 Medics and adding two combat medic slots to replace the jobs Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I have not seen a similar suggestion provided from this year...
  10. Jon dingleshmerg

    Stephen "Judgeman" Gevanni Medical Consultant Application (USA)

    + support This man better get consultant before me
  11. Jon dingleshmerg

    [US] jon "Wiz' Dingleshmerg Consultant App

    Steam ID: 76561198115205376 Discord name: Iamjustjon#4564 For how long have you played on CG SCP: Too long, About a year and a half, I've been con several times Age: 20 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: CST Character name(s): jon "Wiz" Dingleshmerg Civilian name: "Lootbug"...
  12. Jon dingleshmerg

    [USA] jon Dingleshmerg Ethics Assistant Application

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:77469824 Discord name: Iamjustjon#4564 For how long have you played on CG SCP: over a year Age:20 In what country are you located?:USA Time zone:CST Character name(s):jon"Wiz"Dingleshmerg Civilian name:Sam Lang What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)...
  13. Jon dingleshmerg

    [USA] Jon Dingleshmerg ECA Application

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:77469824 Discord name :Iamjustjon#4564 For how long have you played on CG SCP:I started playing over a year ago, but i recently returned Age: 20 In what country are you located?:USA Time zone:CST Character name(s): "Wiz" [HH-3 PVT] Civilian name: Sam Lang What server are you...
  14. Jon dingleshmerg

    [US] Jon "Wiz" Dingleshmerg Consultant Application

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:77469824 Discord name: Iamjustjon For how long have you played on CG SCP: Definately more than a year Age: 20 In what country are you located?: US Time zone: CST Character name(s): Jon Dingleshmerg Civilian name: Sam Lang What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP...
  15. Jon dingleshmerg

    [USA] Jason Baker Medical Consultant Application

    Salutations, After consideration we have decided to accept your application, please speak to me or DOM Abbie about your training and whitelist. Glory to the Foundation -DDOM Jon Dingleshmerg