Search results

  1. MegatronIMJ

    [USA] Osoro Mutekin's Executive Researcher Application

    +Support +Activity +Good Document Writing -Not much RP Interactions
  2. MegatronIMJ

    [USA] Pynput's (Deputy) Director of Research Application

    +Support +Mostly Active + Knows his shit +all good interactions - Short App
  3. MegatronIMJ

    [US] Sr. Researcher Lech Dabrowski Executive Researcher Application

    We are full on Executives this app will most likely be on hold until more spots are open.
  4. MegatronIMJ

    [USA] Osoro Mutekin's Executive Researcher Application

    We are at Executive limit this app with Probs be on hold until we have spots open.
  5. MegatronIMJ

    Zach's Executive Researcher App [USA]

    Sorry, We are currently full on Executives.
  6. MegatronIMJ


    If you try and join back is there like a -(name) by someone?
  7. MegatronIMJ

    Frank Mason's Executive Researcher Application [US]

    We have hit the executive Cap.
  8. MegatronIMJ

    Ithresh O5 Application

  9. MegatronIMJ

    noobgod executive Researcher

    -Support Got banned by me for 3 days for saying the N-Word
  10. MegatronIMJ

    Tazza's Executive Researcher Application [USA]

    -Support -Not been on Research Long enough -Bad app
  11. MegatronIMJ

    Polzer Antons App

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):MegatronIMJ88 How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):Mine is bugged out but i should have around a week and 1 or 2 days, it keeps on going down. Age:15 In what country are you located?:US Time zone:EST Foundation...
  12. MegatronIMJ

    [USA]Dr. Bateman for Exec. Researcher

    +Support +Every interaction was a good one +Makes very good Documents +Good at testing -not as long App as would like -Playtime
  13. MegatronIMJ

    Tazza's SCP-096 Application [USA]

    +support Knows what he is talking about Every interaction ive had with him was a good one
  14. MegatronIMJ

    Frank Mason's Executive Researcher Application [US]

    Neutral + IS active - Ive seen you do a lot of tests that end up in breaches - Seen you minge when you first started but we have all been there. Frank you have the ability to become a Exec but you need to have 1000% control over all tests you do. (I dont want to see another Incest porno tho...
  15. MegatronIMJ

    Polzer Anton Executive {US]

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:437898627 Discord name:MegatronIMJ2#6464 For how long have you played on CG SCP:5d 11h (doesnt say this in my Vtime_menu because time went back on it or somthing) Age:15 In what country are you located?:US Time zone:EST Character name(s) Biohazard Researcher Polzer Anton...
  16. MegatronIMJ

    [USA] Pynput's Executive Researcher Application

    Neutral i would like to see you on some more,
  17. MegatronIMJ

    Dr. Ithresh Director of Research Application

    +support I havnt seen you at all but i wish you the best of luck and i hope you can revieve our glorious Research Dpt
  18. MegatronIMJ

    UK scp-096 app

    -Support Didnt asnwer some questions, Short answers.