Search results

  1. Basilisk

    [UK] Checkers Site Advisor Application

    +SUPPORT +Experienced +CL4 Experience +O-1 +Detailed App +Active +Mature +Friednly
  2. Basilisk

    [UK] Athena's ECM Application

    +SUPPORT +Experienced +Detailed App +Active +Mature +Friendly
  3. Basilisk

    [UK] 'Otters' Ethics Committee Member Application [#4]

    +SUPPORT +Experienced +CL 5 Experience, EX Ethics +Detailed Application +Ex ISD +Active +Mature +Friendly
  4. Basilisk

    Slipperman_1's Game Master application [UK]

    +SUPPORT +Good Application +Active +Good Interactions +Good mini event ideas +Friendly +Mature
  5. Basilisk

    Steven Pringles staff app

    -SUPPORT -Unsure about maturity -Half assed application -Low Vtime -Recent warns
  6. Basilisk

    [UK] Anderson's Moderator Application

    +Support +No recent Warns +Good Interactions +Good activity +Good application
  7. Basilisk

    Accepted SCP Additional Rules

    +SUPPORT Should've been implented already
  8. Basilisk

    Denied "Revenant" Alpha-1 PAC Request

    Looks like old Nu-7 Models but with ISD and different patches ngl, But again to each their own (:
  9. Basilisk

    Accepted Basilisk's UNGOC Pac "Blisk"

  10. Basilisk

    Accepted Basilisk's UNGOC Pac "Blisk"

    I’ll change it if possible, also credit goes to Grit cuz he made this epic pac
  11. Basilisk

    Accepted Basilisk's UNGOC Pac "Blisk"

    Will do and cheers for the feedback
  12. Basilisk

    Accepted Basilisk's UNGOC Pac "Blisk"

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested: I'm requesting to be allowed to use this Pac for my UNGOC Character Small lore Behind my UNGOC Operative Blisk is that he's using a protype of futuristic armor Codenamed: Pilot Armor developed by the UNGOC Blisk is a Seasoned War Veteran he have done many...
  13. Basilisk

    [UK] 'Cerberus' Ethics Committee Assistant application

    +SUPPORT +Experienced +Active +Friendly +Mature +O-1 +Detailed Application
  14. Basilisk

    [UK] 05-2 "The Apostle" Application

    +SUPPORT +CL4 Experience +Active +Friendly +Mature +A-1 +Staff
  15. Basilisk

    Back for more!!

    Hello there Simon long time no see, Good to see you back mate! (:
  16. Basilisk

    Basilisk's 2Nd Introduction

    Name:Basilisk Age21 From: Norway About:: Hi I’m Basilisk aka Umbra, I'm a long time member of Civil Gamers i'm currently a Moderator but i was a Senior Moderator on SCP RP before i resigned and took a break from CG for awhile., I like to play games, listen to music, hang out with friends...
  17. Basilisk

    Add the vguns_arx160 to the list of weapons that can have skins.

    +Support why isn’t this added already?
  18. Basilisk

    [UK] Renolks' Resignation Appeal

    +SUPPORT +Experienced +Active +Mature +Friendly
  19. Basilisk

    [UK] Jimmy Wrecking Site Director App.

    +SUPPORT +Detailed Application + Very Experienced in CL4 Positions + EX SC Experience +Currently a Site Manager +Active +Mature +Friendly +Chill
  20. Basilisk

    [UK] 'Otters' Site Director Application

    +SUPPORT +Detailed Application +Very Experienced + Ex Ethics Members +Active +Mature +Friendly +EX ISD