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  1. Jam

    Accepted SCP-RP Rule Suggestion: Airstrikes

    -support They have the ability for a reason, it's not totally wrong to air strike your own base if all personnel are in a safe bunker and the enemy happens to group up in a huge formation that enables an effective air strike. To make this sound as fair as possible, cope and find a better...
  2. Jam

    Denied Add a level requirment to make a CI character

    How can you even compare GOC to CI? There's no similarities between the two.
  3. Jam

    Denied Add a level requirment to make a CI character

    -support if CI was a Quality over Quantity Regiment, then yes. But as they are not, they won't need this.
  4. Jam

    make it fail rp to have HCZ blast doors closed for no reason

    +support It's a annoying blockade that is not fair at all. It just adds another cl4 hack to CI for as mentioned no reason. It's ridiculous and for gameplay should be restricted to SCP's
  5. Jam

    Denied Make it so there is a Foundation and GOC comms

    if it was lore accurate, yes. CI was so secret that you didn't even know how to speak to them, that's part of the reason why communication between CI Cells is so dreadful, a CI cell in North America might not even be close to what a CI cell in Africa may be, in a matter of fact they might attack...
  6. Jam

    Denied Make it so there is a Foundation and GOC comms

    wouldn't want to see CI have proper communications with F or GOC, if you were to approach it at a roleplay standpoint but who cares about that anyways anymore.
  7. Jam

    Denied Reverse the GOC tryout changes.

    +support people really liked the idea back then, judging by the replies it really didn't serve them their benefits. Perhaps it should be lightened/eased to the point were anyone can join with simple requirements and reach the rank up to LCPL. At the rank of LCPL they'd have to pass a test...
  8. Jam

    Accepted Chaos Insurgency Update

    +support Would totally agree with the Neuro Controller. The Biological weapon thing is meh. I would prefer R&D to have it's own way to produce toxic hazardous viruses that can spread through the facilit such as slowing, blinding, impairing vision, shaky vision, slowed firerate or possible other...
  9. Jam

    Denied New CI Rank

    How can it messing with organisation be a problem. CI could need some variations and additions, this obviously isn't a high priority but it's something. Also adding Sigma ain't gonna mess up that much. Just adapt to it if it is added, at least you'd be getting something. Switching Gamma PLP to...
  10. Jam

    Denied New CI Rank

    +support Wanted this in old CI Command. Put Sigma before Delta and everything is good. Might as well rename CI Commander to CI Cell Director because that is how CI is structured and it gives CI that special unique kick to it, instead of everything being called "Commander". But it won't happen...
  11. Jam

    Denied Increasing raid timer for CI

    you know better then me foundation will give 0 fucks and not do anything like that. CI base is unraidable because of its layout
  12. Jam

    Denied Increasing raid timer for CI

    -support give CI something in return instead of just "nerfing" them. You can't compare GOC and CI with one another, arguably CI has a bigger playerbase and needs something to do, they aren't as much of a "irrelevant" faction as everyone poses them to be.
  13. Jam

    Denied 2 entryways to floor 2 or garage

    +support raiding through the same entrance is truly boring at one point
  14. Jam

    Denied The ability for scps to damage each other

    -support some SCP'S will get absolutely wrecked, for example 035. There should be exceptions to this for some SCP's that aren't the strongest.
  15. Jam

    Make things like "Meowing" woofing random uwu stuff FAILRP

    +support just shoot them people have unironical issues to do that, doesn't need tolerance or acceptance of these weird shenanigans to know that.
  16. Jam

    Denied [Discord] Tribunal Announcement Channel

    +support just make a general RP announcement channel for all factions.
  17. Jam

    Denied Edit 1.28 Sampling Limit

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: With this suggestion I want to suggest that the sampling limit is increased for UNGOC and Chaos Insurgency, if not also Foundation. I feel, that adding a feature in which you can gain samples from SCP's to use as an advantage only to restrict it to...
  18. Jam

    Denied Computer Virus

    +support Quite a good suggestion. It would take effort to work on but this is a very unique ability for CI. Maybe the Virus has a progression system to reach better assets, possibly even virus drones?
  19. Jam

    Denied Suggestion on G.O.C Thermal Goggles

    +1 GOC isn't meant to be a war-party at all, giving the factors that we have a forced low-playercount it is just reasonable to give it strong features which were removed for whatever reason SL had. If we are happen to be in war we realistically have a low chance with the given factors of our...
  20. Jam

    Creator of explicit events! [IMG] perhaps my favourite game master!

    Creator of explicit events! perhaps my favourite game master!