Search results

  1. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] 'Eidolon' Director of Research Application

    "Eidolon" In Ancient Greek literature; an apparition or phantom. A look-alike spirit-image of a living or dead person. In English; a false apparition, human or otherwise, that represents an idea or ideal - often assosciated with a deity or the vengeful dead. List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI...
  2. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] 'Eidolon' Executive Researcher Application

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Nu-7 CPL [DB] / [HH] (Held) MTF Omega-1 CSG (Held) Intelligence Agent (Held) General Security Captain (Held) Chief of Security (Held) UNGOC 1SGT (Held) Ethics Commitee Member (Held) Ethics Committee Chairman (Held) CI-DELTA...
  3. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] O5-2 'The Eidolon' (2)

    "Eidolon" In Ancient Greek literature; an apparition or phantom. A look-alike spirit-image of a living or dead person. In English; a false apparition, human or otherwise, that represents an idea or ideal - often assosciated with a deity or the vengeful dead. List all whitelisted, MTF, or...
  4. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Rule Suggestion Panic Button and "/me strips comms" Rules Clarification or Removal

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Create a provision in the rules that defines exact Panic Button and "/me strips comms" use parameters or make their usage FailRP / Powergaming Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: . The removal of...
  5. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Denied Foundation Dimension Raid Counter Options

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: - Allows the use of cameras to identify dimensional travellers in the rules - Makes Tesla Gates knock dimensional travellers outside of their dimension in the same manner as a Scranton Reality Anchor Has something similar been suggested before? If...
  6. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Denied Merge the DEA into MTF Nu-7

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: - Merges the DEA jobs seen below into the MTF Nu-7 regiment and removes any left over Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: - This has not been suggested before Possible Positives of the suggestion...
  7. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Rule Suggestion Remove Rule 3.1(d) Chaos Deep Cover and move the job to Beta rank.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Remove the rule: 3.1(d) Chaos Deep Cover - Chaos Insurgency deep cover may only enter the facility or UNGOC base when authorised by a Chaos Commanding Officer. Entering either as a deep cover requires valid reasoning, e.g., A member of chaos has...
  8. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Denied SCP Queue Mechanics rework.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: . Remove the requirement to play as an SCP in order to hold a place in the breach queue . Move all breachable SCPs into a hidden breach queue with the same opt-in function as SCP-8854 and SCP-323 . When the breach triggers, allow players not currently...
  9. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    'Eidolon' - Former Chairman of the Ethics Committee

    Foundation Personnel File: Ethics Committee Chairman 'Eidolon' // O5-11 'The Featherman'
  10. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Denied Add a Disguise Card swep to Parawatch

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds the disguise card to the Parawatch job so that they can disguise and infiltrate Site-65 Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): . Would give the job better access to its passive RP or getting secret information from Site-65 and...
  11. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Eidolon's GM Application

    - Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Toxicity - About a year ago I was a GSD Sgt and inquired with a micspamming Cadet if they were mentally deficient. Metagaming - About a year ago I was a GSD Officer and used the 'above head' name of a player to identify them, without knowing...
  12. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Accepted Quality of Life Changes for MTF E-11

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: . The HCZ map change has changed the way Code-1 and Code-5 response forces work and placed E-11 at a disadvantage due to travel times, dispersion of their force and limited AA acccess, I therefore suggest: - Replace the current Combat Medic spawn...
  13. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Denied Add Surface SCP (323, 8854) Samples to Surface Chemical Cases

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This will add the SCP-323 Host Blood and Anomalous Bone Marrow as lootable chemicals to the Chemical Cases that spawn on the surface with a similar drop chance to Class-B or Class-C amnestics Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): . Will...
  14. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Denied SCP-2316 The Bodies in the Water

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion recommends adding SCP-2316 'The Bodies in the Water', or rather an instance of SCP-2316-1: This would be a document that carries a cognitohazardous picture of SCP-2316 on it and would spawn in the same way that SCP-096-1 does. There...
  15. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Accepted Give Combat XP for Kills with the Alpha Warhead

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: - This suggestion would award combat experience for any and all kills made by the member of Clearance Level 5 who activated the Alpha Warhead. - Expands the scenarios in which CL5 can consider activating the warhead, such as during Code-2s when the...
  16. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Ethics Committee Member 'Eidolon'

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Nu-7 CPL [DB] / [HH] (Held) MTF Omega-1 CSGT (Holding) Intelligence Agent (Holding) General Security Captain (Holding) Chief of Security (Holding) UNGOC SGT (Holding) Licenses: RRT, Heavy Weapons, Medical, Drivers - Have...
  17. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] O5-6 The Twiceborn

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Nu-7 CPL [DB] / [HH] (Held) MTF Omega-1 SGT (Holding) Intelligence Agent (Holding) General Security Captain (Holding) Chief of Security (Holding) UNGOC SGT (Holding) Licenses: RRT, Heavy Weapons, Medical, Drivers Have you...
  18. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] 'Eidolon' Chief of Security

    General Security "For that which I defend - No sacrifice too great" List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Gensec Captain (Holding) MTF Nu-7 CPL [DB] / [HH] (Held) Intelligence Agent (Holding) MTF O-1 LCPL (Holding) UNGOC LCPL (Holding) Licenses: RRT, Heavy...
  19. J. 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    [UK] Site Advisor Jeffrey 'Eidolon' Shekelstein

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41148908 Discord name: Dank#6202 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1w 0d 15h Age: 20 In what country are you located?: United Kingdom Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Jeffrey Shekelstein, Captain 'Eidolon' Civilian name: Jeffrey Shekelstein What server are...