Recent content by Ventz

  1. Ventz


    this is hydro posting from ventz account because he actually died from a vindaloo incident 3 months ago also gz
  2. Ventz

    Denied Tick rate after server upgrade

    This will ctrl+z the CPU upgrade.
  3. Ventz

    Denied Weapon Skins

    You can submit skins with the existing system, if there are enough good designs pending then you should make a suggestion to create a new gun skin crate from them instead, and suggest a set of skins for it.
  4. Ventz

    Hamptr blacklist appeal

    Hi there, we purchased this mouse and attempted to reproduce the problem but could not. Can you give detailed steps to your setup and binds etc
  5. Ventz

    Hamptr blacklist appeal

    Hi what is the exact model of your mouse, an amazon link would be ideal
  6. Ventz

    Accepted Add a broom for d-class

  7. Ventz

    Foodeater is running away!

    Thanks mate, that's a mighty great croc in the swamp oh krikey watch out for that kanraroo!
  8. Ventz

    The Ongoing Harassment and Discrimination Problem

    Our stance on harassment and inappropriate behavior. I'd like to thank everyone in this thread for bringing information like this to light, the concerns that have been brought forward are issues the Network Leadership team and I were not fully aware of and we would like to make change in light...
  9. Ventz

    Judge's Level Designer Application

    Accepted You have already done so much for the SCP map edits, welcome to the team officially :D Please contact me to get your discord and TS tags, and once you get them, check out the new channels you can see in the network discord.
  10. Ventz

    TeamSpeak Ban Appeal

    Accepted, contact someone to unban u from ts
  11. Ventz

    Aki Role Modification [6]

    Hi this should be sorted out now, thanks!
  12. Ventz

    Developer - Artist Application Format

    Developer Application Format Information & Requirements Developer is not a staff rank, and has authority equal to that of a regular user. Developers do not engage in staff matters, do not take sits, and cannot apply for staff while holding the rank of Developer. Existing staff of the rank of...
  13. Ventz

    Gustav's Discord Ban Appeal

    Hi, you are associated with blacklisted players and ban evaders, I don't believe you returning would be a benefit to the community.