Search results

  1. Jason Mcbrandtville

    [USA] O5-4 "The Phoenix"

    +support Caseoh is quaking in his boots
  2. Jason Mcbrandtville

    Karaoke Event - 10/12/23

    Your name: jason mcbrandtville Is this entrance an individual or group?: individual If it's a group, please list the group members: What will you be singing: big iron by Marty robbins
  3. Jason Mcbrandtville

    Rowling's Special Agent Application

    +support. Would like to see this individual become a special agent. He has brought some great RP to the server!
  4. Jason Mcbrandtville

    [USA] Xebec's Application for: SCP-096 Whitelist

    Application Denied. Thank you for taking the time to write an 096 application. Unfortunatly I am denying your application due to the missing required levels necessary to be able to be whitelisted for the role. You may reapply within 2 weeks assuming you have gained the necessary levels required.
  5. Jason Mcbrandtville

    [USA] Caesar Kuznetsov's Moderator Application

    +Support! Ceaser brings life to scp breaches as well as his various duties as executive researcher.
  6. Jason Mcbrandtville

    Ratticus Ban Appeal

    I had banned you cause you had RDMed a d class after airlock was opened. You were then arrested after being placed into cuffs and then presumed to have left the server.
  7. Jason Mcbrandtville

    Kiryu's 2nd ECM Application

    +support! I support this based and very awesome individual with his adventures!
  8. Jason Mcbrandtville

    My blacklist appeal.
  9. Jason Mcbrandtville

    My blacklist appeal.

    Hello! I had banned you due to a break of fearrp as well as hitbox account. You are however responsible for the safety of your account. Your freinds actions had gotten you a 26 week ban due to your numerous amount of bans accumulated on the server.
  10. Jason Mcbrandtville

    [UK] Pumpkins Scp-096 Application

    Application Accepted. Thank you for taking the time to write an 096 whitelist application. And congratulations on having your whitelist accepted! As a reminder 096 may roam after being left idle for no more than 60 seconds after someone has seen his face. Contact an Admin+ in game to receive...
  11. Jason Mcbrandtville

    Jake Gripplepie 096 Application [US]

    Application Accepted. Congratulations on having your whitelist application accepted! Thank you for taking the time to do so as well. As a reminder 096 may wander after being left undisturbed for more than 60 seconds after someone has seen his face. Contact an Admin+ in game to receive your...
  12. Jason Mcbrandtville

    [USA] SCP-096 Application

    Application Accepted. Congratulations on having your whitelist application accepted! Thank you for taking the time to do so as well. As a reminder 096 may wander after being left undisturbed for more than 60 seconds after someone has seen his face. Contact an Admin+ in game to receive your...
  13. Jason Mcbrandtville

    Nikolas Stefanović // "Moxxie" US Site Advisor Application

    +Support having interacted in game with moxie on numerous occasion I am more than happy to give my support!
  14. Jason Mcbrandtville

    [US] "Peebus" 096 App

    Application Accepted Congratulations on having your 096 whitelist accepted! As a reminder 096 may roam after being idle for no more than 60 seconds. Contact an Admin+ in game to receive your whitelist