SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Harlow 'Horizont' Seven

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What server are you applying for

Your Username
Harlow 'Horizont' Seven

Your SteamID

Discord Username


What's your current playtime

Do you have a mic
Yes I do!

Your characters name
Harlow 'Horizont' Seven

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications
All? Here it goes.

Chronologically, should be all.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why
, I dont really remember the answer to 'Why', All I can say is I am NOT trying to break the rules, I believe you can see that from the time gaps. :]

How many hours can you be on everyday?
About 4 Hours a day? Really depends on the day.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?
I was part of the event team on CN, but never really lead an event.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster?
I’d like to help with the number and quality of events on the server. It also helps me with learning and improving my skills. Being a GM allows me to host events that attract people from various departments, giving me the chance to observe and learn what they are doing these days. Even though I already know quite a lot about each department, things constantly change, and staying updated is good. Also, hosting events lets me see how others roleplay, which helps me improve. It also makes the experience enjoyable for everyone. But most importantly, creating events is a lot of fun. Not just for the GMs but for the players too. And I want to make it more enjoyable for everyone through making engaging and immersive events.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?
Firstly, I believe I have decent ideas which are essential for creating immersive events. Additionally, I can build decently, which is important for larger events that require GM dupes to enhance the RP. I also have a basic understanding of PAC3, I’ve only created a simple PAC. But I believe I could improve which could make me able to do more unique events. Also, my activity is pretty good, which makes me able to create/prepare events. As mentioned earlier, I believe I can help increase the number of events. Lastly, my roleplay experience is good in my opinion, I believe I got the ability to roleplay out various scenarios during events.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server)

Game Show of Your Time
It is a normal day at the foundation. GSD Shooting every Class-D outside of D-Block, Researchers testing SCPs. And doctors are he-. Wait a second... That's not right. Where are the doctors? They were supposed to be here! Anyone seen mike?

<This event would be based on SCP-024. Essentially on GM plane there would be various structures prepared as the deadly game. The game can vary from a rusian roulette to parkour or some sort of a puzzle. The players would get into the game by a random door placed somewhere on site that may appear/disappear. The finishing price can be different depending on job and difficulty of the puzzle.>

Anomalous Bartender
Researcher Joe: Hey, barkeep. One “Tonic of Life” please.
Barkeep: Coming right up.

<This small event would be about a bartender that teleports around the site with his bar, selling anomalous drinks that would give various benefits with a balancing debuf. For example the truth that would grant you knowledge of random fact for the price of your important memory (Your name, rank, etc.). This would be a small event that would make things more interesting. Essentially, would be something similar to 294.>

The Unknown Beyond the Vault of Dr. Wondertainment
*After the weapon test is over, a piece of vault door can be seen sticking out of the ground...*
UN Soldier: █████ Wait. Could it be?
*After that's said, everyone on the scene can see a big logo saying 'Dr. Wondertainment!' on the vault.*

<This event would show us the rejected projects of Dr Wondertainment and some of his other toys! Essentially, would be a dupe with various known and unknown toys related to Dr. Wondertainment With various clues on what these unknown toys are in the form of a test log, incident log, ads, etc. This whole event would happen in a facility like dupe with various chambers for tests, play areas etc. This event would be opened to anyone that is able to reach the vault entry. In the facility, entities of SCP-1550 would be breached as spider/rat/bat-like creatures. After all entities would be dealt with, the ‘Lockdown’ of the facility would be over and would let people to look around the facility for the anomalies and clues. The anomalies would be either GM controlled characters or various items like candies that would enlarge you, etc.>

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
<This map change would essentially be Site-65 responding to a distress call from area-354. Overall, the response team would contain NU7(Primary Directive: Hostage Rescue) E11(Primary Directive: Termination and containment of entities, fix CC.), DEA(Primary Directive: Investigation/Interrogations). In the Area, there would of course be some instances of SCP-354 like scp-354-3. It may also contain some other custom entities that could be discussed. Additionally, there would be a GOI DC, basically the cause of the incident, there would be some GM objectives hinting on who is the DC from the rescued personnel.. E11 would also have a goal to fix the CC. This may be done by bringing certain parts to cc box, fixing power or rerouting power.>


List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff)
<Incoming transmission from Site-21 to Site-65(EC)>
Computer: *Alert. Motion alert detected in SPECIALIZED ARCHIVE*
ECC █████: Huh what now?
Computer: *Biometrics failed. Initiating gas protocol. FAILED.*
ECC █████: What. What is that archive?
Computer: This archive was created by ECC: [EXPUNGED]. It contains many incident reports that were caused by the committee that could compromise the committee. It includes files like the incident report caused with SOP on 10/12.
ECC █████: Who breached it, where is it?
Computer: Location is at HCZ TRAIN, it was entered by UNKNOWN.

ECC █████ Yells; Right! O1. Today I was informed about a place that contains various files that could incriminate and damage the ethics committee and its glory. Your mission today is to destroy the vault with its content, making sure there is NOTHING left. Additionally, an unknown individual entered the place. Your second objective is to locate the individual, interrogate him and amnesticate or kill him.

<This event would essentially be about a place that could incriminate the committee. O1s goal would be to destroy it and find whoever was there. The guy would essentially try to spread what he learned, and the o1 is to be fast and find the guy. This is a pretty simple event but it could help o1 with interrogation and localization.>

A1 CPL 'Delta': [CL3] <!> Whoever called F3 elevator, Identify or face termination <!>
*No response*
After that, an A1 specialist came to F3. After being asked for ID by 'Delta', He collapsed and dropped a document. After proper examination, he was identified as A1 CSG 'Delta'

A1 COM ███ yells; 'Right! Listen up. As you heard, we had an unknown person coming up to f3, dropping down a file. Well, the medical team said it is impossible, but they confirmed he is here with our CPL 'Delta'. The R&D said he is a time anomaly or something of that style and NOT TO do anything with him or the stuff he brought.

That being said, he brought a damaged document with him, hard to read. A document talking about the assassination of an O5 using explosives. Firstly, we thought it was a joke until the O5 mentioned in the document requested entry onto the site.

The O5 is supposed to arrive at the site in 2 hours. Your ultimate objective is to PREVENT the assassination, find out who is responsible, and determine why they are doing this.'

<This event would be about finding out clues on who is the killer (The clues can be various corpses on the site, various weapons, broken keypads, etc.) in a specific time window. This event can either go by A1 succeeding and capturing the hostile, or by failing and seeing the O5 getting blown to pieces>

NU7 COM “Grenade” yells; ‘Okay everyone. As you all probably noticed, we have a recently built chemical plant that was placed in the PW region. This would be no issue, if of course they wouldn't send trucks to the CI Cell. Today, we only got one mission. Destroy the chemical plant and gather any information on their origin’

<This would be an event for SOP. DEA would try to infiltrate the base before the initial raid to get intel on the layout. After DEA Would be successful, NU7 and overall SOP would raid the base. The site could do this 2 ways. Stealth or Loud. Stealth being calm and loud being gun blazing. As mentioned in the msg above, they would have to destroy the plant as they supply large amounts of chemicals to the insurgency. (CI could be involved as a defense line)>


<An unknown anomaly with Type-Yellow shape shifting abilities would infiltrate the site that can mimic various humans and items inside the site. E11s ultimate goal would be to locate, capture and find a way to contain this anomaly for research. To add to this event. Various props would be placed around the site as a ‘way to make the place alive!’ (And more challenging). E11 could try to find the anomaly by using kant counters, or using smelling dogs. ETC. Essentially, upgraded Prop hunt.>

CI BCOM “Jack” yells; Listen up! We have just received a report from the command that a F Convoy Carrying a shrinking technology will drive near pinewood. So. Our mission is simple. Acquire and study the technology….

<This would be a simple event where a convoy is coming by pw, ci would attempt to get the tech and study it. During this event, they could damage the tech in the convoy or get it. They could use it to attempt to dc, although balancing would have to be added. Main command used in the event would probably be /scale>

<?!#OC - UNGOC> H##lo-? tH@S is #@e Ge##rAL. Re#o@# to N# @!ns lAN#.

<This event would be about a time and spatial anomaly wormhole at no man's land. The UN would receive a broadcast from what appears to be…. Themselves?! Essentially, various things would come out ranging from medieval knight to ww2 soldier! The anomaly could be entered to be teleported, etc. This event would last until someone would find a solution or until someone from the future comes to fix this error. (Overall would probably involve the whole surface, not only un!)>

Foundation Staff

<This event would be about pipes going nuts! Each department would have their goal.
MEDICAL: As pipes are breaking, the gasses of them going into the halls, medical staff would treat various staff being poisoned due to toxic gas from reactor, 035 cc, etc.
ET&S: Techies would have the main goal of fixing the issue with the pipes, they can do that by going around the site maintenance and checking the computers to locate any breaches.
GSD: Oh my- A large pipe burst opened, letting D-Boys enter and getting them all around the site! GSD would try to stop them from leaving and would try to locate all the D-Class
E11: E11 would try to reinforce various CCs as some chambers relay on their pipe system, for example the 076 water system!

Other staff: Other staff would be influenced by the pipe is*sues, they could help looking for various pipes broken across the site or just slowly get poisoned by the gas from the pipes!>
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Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
Event team slop factory
++ Support

Application is solid, a clear level of effort has gone into producing it.

- While I think some ideas could be expanded upon, like the UNGOC mission (It doesn't really show much knowledge about the GOI and seems like a generic event idea, things like this tell me you have little knowledge about a core group on the server which is of slight concern?)
- You've interacted with my events in the past, I haven't seen you minge in any of them or on the server at all, you were actively engaging in them which is always good to see.
- My vouch is, everyone starts off usually at the same level as a gamemaster, if you're willing to learn and expand upon your skills you will do just right in the team.

Good luck!

- Julien White
Anomalous Bartender
Researcher Joe: Hey, barkeep. One “Tonic of Life” please.
Barkeep: Coming right up.

<This small event would be about a bartender that teleports around the site with his bar, selling anomalous drinks that would give various benefits with a balancing debuf. For example the truth that would grant you knowledge of random fact for the price of your important memory (Your name, rank, etc.). This would be a small event that would make things more interesting. Essentially, would be something similar to 294.>
What would these facts be? Anything that's a major infobreach (E.G. An O5's real identity, something about like the Administrator or Tau-5 or something) would need SL Auth.
Or would this just be a fact like "Did you know there are more Doors than Wheels in the universe?"

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
<This map change would essentially be Site-65 responding to a distress call from area-354. Overall, the response team would contain NU7(Primary Directive: Hostage Rescue) E11(Primary Directive: Termination and containment of entities, fix CC.), DEA(Primary Directive: Investigation/Interrogations). In the Area, there would of course be some instances of SCP-354 like scp-354-3. It may also contain some other custom entities that could be discussed. Additionally, there would be a GOI DC, basically the cause of the incident, there would be some GM objectives hinting on who is the DC from the rescued personnel.. E11 would also have a goal to fix the CC. This may be done by bringing certain parts to cc box, fixing power or rerouting power.>

Not a critique or a question - But this is really creative for a Map Change. It's made well, and perhaps some elaboration could be given on how things would go? But past that it's great. The fact it's also in Canada means it makes sense why Site-65 would arrive. Just very cool to me.

Foundation Staff

<This event would be about pipes going nuts! Each department would have their goal.
MEDICAL: As pipes are breaking, the gasses of them going into the halls, medical staff would treat various staff being poisoned due to toxic gas from reactor, 035 cc, etc.
ET&S: Techies would have the main goal of fixing the issue with the pipes, they can do that by going around the site maintenance and checking the computers to locate any breaches.
GSD: Oh my- A large pipe burst opened, letting D-Boys enter and getting them all around the site! GSD would try to stop them from leaving and would try to locate all the D-Class
E11: E11 would try to reinforce various CCs as some chambers relay on their pipe system, for example the 076 water system!

Other staff: Other staff would be influenced by the pipe is*sues, they could help looking for various pipes broken across the site or just slowly get poisoned by the gas from the pipes!>
This one sounds like a good idea, but also sounds tough as fuck to do, because you'd have to have a GM for every single group here. Possible, but the GM's would be spread out a lot. The GSD aspect also seems a bit meh, just annoying above all else.

Anyways +Support, you're a competent guy, you know how to RP, this application is pretty good and ur cool
gl big man
Dec 25, 2023
Gamemaster Application - Accepted

Hello @Harlow Horizont Seven,

Thank you for putting the time into making an application. Your application has been discussed between the Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your application!

Congratulations! Please contact an Event Team Supervisor to proceed with the next steps.​
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