Major +Support
Stabby has been a great friend and a great leader in E-11 for a long time. I would love to see him move on to better things. This man deserves to go places. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, E-11 COM Stabby.
+Good GSD personnel
- Not much knowledge of GSD captain
- Mediocre lore
- Put SiD64 not Steamid
- Being GSD captain isn't always about Riots. There's a lot more to it.
- support
Short answers
Not much knowledge on what a captain does
Mediocre lore
Haven't seen you helping people much
Hasn't led any sweeps to my knowledge
Side note: you'd make a great captain but I'd like to see you do more research and put a little more effort into the application
Little knowledge of what a captain does
"Came back just recently"
Love of role play is the only reason given for applying
I personally have never seen this man, might just be me
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