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  1. Aaron Hench

    Rule Suggestion Let normal FearRP rules apply to reality benders while a reality anchor is deployed

    How can you apply common sense to a situation, when you have de jure in the rules stating that you can not fearrp a reality bender, unless you have them restrained. I understand, where you are coming from, but most of the players don't know of it. Anchor doesn't necessarily take away their...
  2. Aaron Hench

    Rule Suggestion Let normal FearRP rules apply to reality benders while a reality anchor is deployed

    Just because someone has a history of leadership doesn't automatically mean they can add a ruling that would affect a certain gameplay core. Like police must enforce laws that they have, not change them to their liking. If this was to be a change, it needs to be clearly stated in the rules and...
  3. Aaron Hench

    Rule Suggestion Let normal FearRP rules apply to reality benders while a reality anchor is deployed

    1.04(a) FearRP Exceptions - Orange Suits and reality benders may not be FearRP'ed, unless they are under restraints. So either ruling was different back then or your staff member was wrong, because the exception clearly states that unless they are restrained AKA IN handcuffs, they can not be...
  4. Aaron Hench

    Rule Suggestion Let normal FearRP rules apply to reality benders while a reality anchor is deployed

    +Support Why not Take the size of the anchor bubble for reference. Meaning, that in order to apply this, the reality bender would need to be inside the bubble for the ability to FearRP to apply. - If someone is not inside the bubble, then FearRP can't be applied here. If he happens to run into...
  5. Aaron Hench

    Opinion on the form-based applications -like seen on staff apps (SCP-RP & MRP)

    I don't know about MTF COs, but in GOC you are required to create a lore character before you are promoted to a NCO rank.
  6. Aaron Hench

    Denied The Field Agent in the Department of External Affairs is overpowered and needs a nerf for better balance

    -SUPPORT Sounds like the main premise of this suggestion is that you got smoked by a DEA Field Agent. None of the suggestions that you provide are proper causes to be considered for nerfing something.
  7. Aaron Hench

    My problem with the current state of roleplay on SCP RP!

    Good points, but implementing this would require a lot of overhauling and time. CI really are just a raid GOI. There wasn't much RP being created when I was in it. Of course, F is hostile to them and GOC is neutral, so RP creation is limited.
  8. Aaron Hench

    Denied Make Heavy Gun Dealer sell the Mosin or Karabiner

    There hasn't been civ combat for ages (atleast on UK)
  9. Aaron Hench

    Rule Suggestion Rule/Addition Suggestion regarding OOC

    -SUPPORT I would agree with the removal of OOC completely, but I disagree with this 'Extended Interactions or Discussion of Ongoing RP in OOC is punishable by a ban'. Outright banning someone for talking about something interesting that is going on is just making it more Ruleplay. People want to...
  10. Aaron Hench

    Denied Make Heavy Gun Dealer sell the Mosin or Karabiner

    RPKs honest reaction to that information: Also nothing is stopping from SOP also buying weapons from the gun dealer afaik. Althought it might look weird like 'why is this military guy buying weapons from me, are they low on supplies or smth' +SUPPORT
  11. Aaron Hench

    Accepted Combine Laser and Flashlight Attachment

    Ngl, I think the prices should be decreased, considering 10k in SCP RP is A LOT, while on MRP it is basically minor diff
  12. Aaron Hench

    Partially Accepted Security Containment Unit Level changes.

    Neutral, leaning to -support - Disagree with reducing requirements. Some days, GENSEC is just lacking players, with people prioritizing to play on SCU, rather than any other GENSEC job. D-Block security should be higher priority. SCU should only exists as a means to experience what Epsilon-11...
  13. Aaron Hench

    ISD or AO?

    A-1 and O-1. They were called ISD before, but since IA got turned into ISD, A-1 and O-1 are called AO.
  14. Aaron Hench

    Denied Surface Objectives drops keycards

    This suggestion would actually make this better. If it was a specific mission, with a certain amount of SOP needed to activate the trigger for it, then that would be fine. BUT I do NOT support EVERY single mission dropping keycards.
  15. Aaron Hench

    Denied Surface Objectives drops keycards

    -Support First, it wouldn't make sense. Second, it isn't supposed to be easy for CI to raid.
  16. Aaron Hench

    [USA] Ethics Assistant

    Yet refused to educate yourself.