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  1. Aaron Hench

    john robins overseer assistant aplication (USA)

    No CL4 required, big man
  2. Aaron Hench

    Partially Accepted Give department CL4+ access to /ets comms

    +SUPPORT A simple permission change
  3. Aaron Hench

    Partially Accepted Rework containing 079

    +SUPPORT needs a buff bad
  4. Aaron Hench


    SCP RP don't got it for some reason
  5. Aaron Hench


    +Support on the /stuck command and it should be available for EVERYONE and not just VIP users -Support for everything else
  6. Aaron Hench

    Partially Accepted Enable all of Site Administration to call ERT

    +Support Should be an obvious choice, I thought they already had access to it.
  7. Aaron Hench

    [SCP-UK] Kakes ECM Application

    +SUPPORT I enjoyed my time with you in GOC and think you are quite fit for this position. Also to whoever is -support'ing because of not having F CL4 experience, it is not a requirement to have foundation specifically. It doesn't specify Foundation only.
  8. Aaron Hench

    Rule Suggestion Rule 1.02 Clarification for Civilian Trespassing

    'I am here to expose the potentially biggest secret in the world' or something similar can be said and they have their reason.
  9. Aaron Hench

    Rule Suggestion Rule 1.02 Clarification for Civilian Trespassing

    Pretty sure it is already a thing. Atleast when I was playing as both F/GOC, if I found a civ trespassing on base, I would cuff em, amnesticize and drag em out. Of course if they pulled out a weapon, they would be dropped.
  10. Aaron Hench

    Denied adding weapon checker to A-1 operative

    GSD Cadets honest reaction
  11. Aaron Hench

    Cheesy is going..

  12. Aaron Hench

    Denied Deleted

    How would you ask that, if banned from discord 🤔
  13. Aaron Hench

    Partially Accepted Give Rangers the Interrogation Tool and a Field Kit!

    +Support on field kit -Support on interrogation tool. Only purpose of this would be, that a member of F/CI/GOC gets arrested and they get a keycard. There is literally 0 reason RP wise for the rangers to have a interrogation tool. Oh I wonder why they would lie? Maybe because they are working...
  14. Aaron Hench

    Accepted Make SCP breach auto power outage fixable

    +MAJOR SUPPORT For the love of science, PLEASE
  15. Aaron Hench

    (UK) Chuck Rees Inspector Application

    You mentioned arrest reports, those aren't exactly major. Operation related documentation, I wouldn't know to comment on that. I am just saying, for me the question is unanswered.
  16. Aaron Hench

    Rule Suggestion Let normal FearRP rules apply to reality benders while a reality anchor is deployed

    That's what it means? He is no longer the co owner.
  17. Aaron Hench

    (UK) Chuck Rees Inspector Application

    You answered the 2nd question, but not 1st