Search results

  1. Speff

    (US) Cob Deen Captain APP

    22 seconds to scroll through all your warns and bans is crazy ?
  2. Speff

    Denied Add nitroglycerin back to 914 as a very fine recipe

    +support funny boom boom
  3. Speff

    [US] Recker's Security Captain Application

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Recker" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Recker, your application has been ACCEPTED Please contact me on discord for the next step - speff.
  4. Speff

    [USA] Security Captain Application Ventress

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Ventress" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Ventress, your application has been ACCEPTED Please contact me on discord for the next step - speff.
  5. Speff

    Chii "Voices" Security Captain Application [USA]

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Chii 'Voices'" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Chii "Voices", your application has been ACCEPTED Please contact me on discord for the next step - speff.
  6. Speff

    [USA] Security Captain Application Mark

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Mark" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Mark, your application has been ACCEPTED Please contact me on discord for the next step - speff.
  7. Speff

    [USA] Security Captain Fofo

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Fofo" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Fofo, your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via discord - speff.
  8. Speff

    [USA] Security Captain Application Dr Ukraine

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Dr Ukraine" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Dr Ukraine, your application has been DENIED This is being denied due to the fact that you were removed 1 day prior to the creation of the application. If...
  9. Speff

    Denied Give Security Captains their F90 back

    +support or other good weapons releasing after half life 3
  10. Speff

    Denied [USA] Add more OSA and ECA slots

  11. Speff

    [USA] Kylie Ringer's Security Captain Application

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Kylie Ringer" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Kylie Ringer, your application has been ACCEPTED Please contact me on discord for the next step - speff.
  12. Speff

    Thordan's Special agent App [USA]

    +support amazing captain
  13. Speff

    [USA] Security Captain Application David Monberry

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "David Monberry" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello David Monberry, your application has been ACCEPTED Please contact me on discord for the next step - speff.
  14. Speff

    Samantha Smalls' Application for GSD Captain[USA]

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Samantha Smalls" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Samantha Smalls, your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via discord - speff.
  15. Speff

    Samantha Smalls' Application for GSD Captain[USA]

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Samantha Smalls" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Samantha Smalls, your application has been put on HOLD Please contact me on discord for further information - speff.
  16. Speff

    [USA] Oliver Anderson's Security Captain Application

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Oliver Anderson" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Oliver Anderson, your application has been ACCEPTED Please contact me on discord for the next step - speff.
  17. Speff

    Johnathan Doe's Captain Application [USA]

    From: Chief of Security "Speff" To: Captain Applicant "Johnathan Doe" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Johnathan Doe, your application has been ACCEPTED Please contact me on discord for the next step - speff.