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  1. Eric Peterson

    see you later alligator

    o7, man was a real W for the IA.
  2. Eric Peterson

    [UK] O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Ascendance

    +Support Just do it.
  3. Eric Peterson

    Denied Add more restarts for UK

  4. Eric Peterson

    black list appeal

    Not to be rude or anything, but that game ban does look juicy.
  5. Eric Peterson

    [UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

    Neutral I cannot give +Support because of a valid point from Broda. Other than that, you can't physically please everyone. Do not be discouraged by the comments Eidolon made. He himself is nowhere near perfect. Always know that perfection cannot be reached and that you should keep no going no...
  6. Eric Peterson

    best COM?

    Moha Demi, Kwill, Avery.
  7. Eric Peterson

    SCPRP-UK Executive Researcher Application

    Hello Ash, After reviewing your application, I've decided to give you: *Edited: Went from Neutral to - Support* - SUPPORT We all thank you for applying, however, from my point of view, you are still not worth to be an Executive Researcher. P.S. I have nothing personal regarding my first minus...
  8. Eric Peterson

    Who's the best d-class in terms of chaos

    Must be either Gian Carlo, or Nirvan, both legendary
  9. Eric Peterson

    Biscuits Executive researcher app

    - Support - Never saw you in-game. - This is what I consider a bad application. - Your dedication is questionable. If people want said role, the application will show that.
  10. Eric Peterson

    [SCP-RP UK] Deacon's Executive Researcher Application

    + Support + From what I've seen, he knows what he is doing. + Mature, and kind. + Great interactions. +/- Your activity on researcher is questionable, and so is your experience in that area. Deacon, I've known you ever since I was a private in Nu-7, and what you did in those tryouts will...
  11. Eric Peterson

    Bailey M Executive Researcher Application [UK]

    Eh. + Support + Professional + Somewhat detailed app + Enjoyed your lore ++ Doesn't know when to give up, even after what, third try, still makes a new application.
  12. Eric Peterson

    [UK] Bob Dingles Ambassador Application

    I'll refrain from rating, since your activity is questionable, but if I were to, leaning towards - Support Reasons are: Lackluster application Unknown activity Your lore seems fine, but I suggest MTF for now, if you are looking for army-alike experience, wait for Nu-7 tryouts, Id'll love to...
  13. Eric Peterson

    Executive Researcher Application

    I'll refrain from rating, just because if I were, you would go into -^- (- squared). Your activity needs work, work and work, if there's no activity, there's no point to apply, it'll instantly get denied. I too, haven't seen you on UK at all as a senior. Maybe once or twice, but for 3 months...
  14. Eric Peterson

    [UK] Nirvan's Intelligence ambassador application (2)

    + Support Just based on your previous CI experience, I believe you are more than worthy to be an ambassador there.
  15. Eric Peterson

    [UK] Edward Stevenson - Executive Researcher Application

    + Support + Rep, I'll explain why in blue text + Great App + Interactions are wonderful + Realitivily active + Excellent document machine So, long story short, I would like to say, he's probably the second best researcher I've ever seen. Godspeed to You, may You one day become DoR, and then O5-1.
  16. Eric Peterson

    Señor Larsons Executive Researcher application

    Chernobyl was part of USSR (Soviet occupied territories on the east of iron curtain (The wall)) -Support Exactly what Millzy said.
  17. Eric Peterson

    [UK] Executive Researcher Application James Whittney

    + Support + Active-ish + Does get the job done + Runs presentations +/- Unsure of maturity +/- Didn't have much interactions
  18. Eric Peterson

    (UK) Executive Researcher Application

    - Support - Rushed app - Activity is questionable - Skipped question regarding documents (In my opinion, that's very important, since that's what I, as an executive do)